Chris Howes custom Doctor Who sculpts

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Hey All!

Just wanted to let everyone know my interview is up. I'm the hairy disreputable looking fellow with the Tiki idol.

Got to and click on the Licky Joker at the top the page.

And to answer the burning question on everybody's mind, yes, I did base Santa's physique on my own. :naughty
I thought that interview was pretty cool, Chris! Nice!
The fact your father created the Easy Bake Oven kind of makes you like the Mike Nesmith of the SSF boards, man! :D

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Mike Nesmith. His mother created Liquid Paper?

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Mike Nesmith--- you know, of the Monkees?

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Is this thing on? Bah! Never mind!
Remember to tip your waitress! :mad:
I thought that interview was pretty cool, Chris! Nice!
The fact your father created the Easy Bake Oven kind of makes you like the Mike Nesmith of the SSF boards, man! :D

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Mike Nesmith. His mother created Liquid Paper?

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Mike Nesmith--- you know, of the Monkees?

(Sound of Crickets Chirping)

Is this thing on? Bah! Never mind!
Remember to tip your waitress! :mad:

I always saw myself as more the Mickey Dolenz type.
Giving this one a that I've seen some classic Who, I'm more jazzed about Chris' interpretation of Tom Baker than ever. (Yep, I ordered blind, so to speak. Thanks to Rick for some guidance in selecting early Who episodes to start with.) How is this project progressing? Do we have enough people in to order any sculpts?

Need a Tardis smiley...
Giving this one a that I've seen some classic Who, I'm more jazzed about Chris' interpretation of Tom Baker than ever. (Yep, I ordered blind, so to speak. Thanks to Rick for some guidance in selecting early Who episodes to start with.) How is this project progressing? Do we have enough people in to order any sculpts?

Need a Tardis smiley...

Tardis Smiley, YES!!! That would be cool.

Sarah Jane Smith is underway. Tom Baker is a go NO MATTER WHAT. It's a gift to myself if nothing else. I believe we have enough to do a version or two already, but I defer to WST since he's handling the organization.However, I intend this to be the 4th Doctor to end all 4th Doctors. Big words, I know, but I have a bag of Jelly Babies and I'm not afraid to use them!!

So, I want to make these irresistible to Who fans. I want to make all Who fans really happy...

Thank you for your faith, I'll make sure it's not misplaced.
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Giving this one a that I've seen some classic Who, I'm more jazzed about Chris' interpretation of Tom Baker than ever. (Yep, I ordered blind, so to speak. Thanks to Rick for some guidance in selecting early Who episodes to start with.) How is this project progressing? Do we have enough people in to order any sculpts?

Need a Tardis smiley...

Wow, you already watched them? Awesome! I'd recommend seeing "Robots of Death" next when you get around to wanting to see some more, another of my big favorites from Tom.

You can always check and see how well a commission is doing by looking at the list on the first few posts. I keep the list up to date of how many people said they were interested and how many that have paid, marked with an "*".

It's going pretty much as expected. Whenever a new commission line is started, the majority of people don't tend to hop on until they have a few heads to see first, then later offerings in the line tend to fill up faster after that.

But now that you know the heads are actually guaranteed a sure thing, let me tell a bit about what you might expect from us coming up.

Personally, I like the idea of offering things in themes, in "waves" of twos or threes: a Doctor with a companion, an enemy from his era, or both. We've waited long enough to start getting some Classic 1:6 Who toys (not that we're limiting ourselves to just the Classic series), so who wants to wait to get a set going, you know? This way, you get a little set going from that Doctors era till we can get back to it. We've got some ambitious things planned. It's gonna be sweet.

I can also let slip that this Fourth Doctor "wave" we are on has one more character yet to be announced till we move on to the next "wave". Will that also be in the Tom Baker era, or will we jump to another Doctor?

Time will tell (shoot it before it can squeal!). :naughty :)
Tardis Smiley, YES!!! That would be cool.

Sarah Jane Smith is underway. Tom Baker is a go NO MATTER WHAT. It's a gift to myself if nothing else. I believe we have enough to do a version or two already, but I defer to WST since he's handling the organization.However, I intend this to be the 4th Doctor to end all 4th Doctors. Big words, I know, but I have a bag of Jelly Babies and I'm not afraid to use them!!

So, I want to make these irresistible to Who fans. I want to make all Who fans really happy...

Thank you for your faith, I'll make sure it's not misplaced.

Whether it's sculpting,painting or whatever I think it always helps if the person doing the work has a love for the subject matter and I'm really looking forward to seeing the results.
Whether it's sculpting,painting or whatever I think it always helps if the person doing the work has a love for the subject matter and I'm really looking forward to seeing the results.

Chris keeps teasing me how his harddrive is filled with all the Baker episodes for "research" purposes. Dammit, he just figured out how to make his computer a tax write-off!

I like watching eps myself on my "hi-def research study center", complete with reclining "research appreciation seats" and a "mini-fridge" in its base to help not interrupt me having to get up from all of the research I do too. Which of course I all watch on my new X-Box 360, (all of which mentioned is now also a tax deduction), which I keep far across the room from my... uh... research... jacuzzi... (did I miss anything?).

Oh yeah, and I only research in my... research facility... which is really just a shelter for my "hi-def research study center", not a house, (complete with my reclining "research appreciation seats", "mini-fridge" and X-Box 360), because without it to protect them from the elements they would rained on just sitting in a barren field and ruined.

I think the IRS will buy that, no?



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Alright, I have recieved a number of questions in PMs about the planned timeframe for the next Doctor Who heads after Tom and Liz, and how often we plan to put these out after since Chris has so many threads popping up on the forums for possible future other commissions.

That's awesome because that means you guys are as antsy as we are to make more!!! Honestly, it's all up to you guys and Chris' schedule at any given moment, which can change from slow to hectic on a dime, but I'd like to see at least two heads being commissioned and worked on at any given time, (and Tom and Sarah are next on his plate to be worked on!) meaning, as soon as we debut the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane heads, my plan was to announce the next two heads, posted up for pre-orders at the same time.

I do things that way to make things more affordable for you guys. I don't know what kind of pace you guys can appreciate. Some of you have been saying you wouldn't mind me going a little faster with the lists, saying, as soon as these heads are done, you want to be racing into the next ones.
That is all ENTIRELY up to you if that's what you want (laugh). That plan doesn't suck either.

I COULD start taking pre-orders on the next heads tomorrow, but would you want me to do that so soon? You've seen all the threads that have popped up for Chris heads lately. This Christmas he's gonna be one busy, busy elf. The next round of Who heads could be a while off normally.

So the way we get more Who heads made sooner is to pay him for them before those other commission threads can pay for theirs. (laugh). Yeah, it's that simple. Puts us ahead in the line. CUTS!

So this is what I'm gonna do. I'm going to announce the next three heads here.
All three are from the 4th Doctor era, but two are from other Doctors eras as well. Call your friends, wake the kids. Tell your neigbors. We'll start collecting now for all three. The first one to reach 10 pre-payments is the first one paid to Chris and joins his que now. The others will earn their place as they reach 10 pre-payments. But who will the three be?
A Mistress, a Master, and a soldier.


Miskatonic Nick just E-mailed me the news in this next link the other day and I was like "OMG, that's the Brigs costume!", so here's an easy Doctor Who costume to get for once, making for a nice quick custom:

For the Brigadier, Romana II, and Ainley Master heads, as always, prices are $35 a head, $5 each for shipping, and there MAY be an accessory announcent later on for them as well if things work out.

Gentlemen, start your engines!
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From my POV a wait for the ordering of the next set of heads would be preferable as I can't commit to anything else until I've got Christmas out of the way.

I LOVE the next 3 choices,especially the Brigadier as he's one of my favorite Classic characters. Would there be any chance of a variant sculpted without the moustache so that the Brigade Leader from "Inferno" would be possible?
From my POV a wait for the ordering of the next set of heads would be preferable as I can't commit to anything else until I've got Christmas out of the way.

I LOVE the next 3 choices,especially the Brigadier as he's one of my favorite Classic characters. Would there be any chance of a variant sculpted without the moustache so that the Brigade Leader from "Inferno" would be possible?

Well, it's not like the heads wouldn't still be available for sale once they were made even if you didn't help to commission them (like he has every Doctor Who head I've ever done). No worries, amigo! (laugh) YOU ROCK! ;)

As far as the Brigs mustache is concerned, what do the rest of you think? personally, I think ordering an extra head + 1 X-acto blade + sand paper= 1 easy-solution, mustache-less Brig, but it's your guys call if you want a second mustache-less version as well. I was surprised to see he was mustacheless in ref pics from Robot and Zygons (yet had a mustache in publicity pics for Robot). I had either never realized, or like most Doctor Who ref, the pics were taken during rehearsals and maybe Nick didn't have his fake 'stache glued on yet in the others? Time to re-watch some classics!
Well, it's not like the heads wouldn't still be available for sale once they were made even if you didn't help to commission them (like he has every Doctor Who head I've ever done). No worries, amigo! (laugh) YOU ROCK! ;)

As far as the Brigs mustache is concerned, what do the rest of you think? personally, I think ordering an extra head + 1 X-acto blade + sand paper= 1 easy-solution, mustache-less Brig, but it's your guys call if you want a second mustache-less version as well. I was surprised to see he was mustacheless in ref pics from Robot and Zygons (yet had a mustache in publicity pics for Robot). I had either never realized, or like most Doctor Who ref, the pics were taken during rehearsals and maybe Nick didn't have his fake 'stache glued on yet in the others? Time to re-watch some classics!

That's cool,as I've mentioned to you before that the Brig is one of my most wanted characters so I don't want to miss out!
It's pretty handy that there's already a suitable outfit out there too,I've wanted to see how good a DiD figure is in person for a while but didn't really have enough intrest in the various military figures they make but now I have a perfect excuse to buy one.

On some of the DVD commentaries Nicholas Courtney mentions that he never grew his own moustache as he felt it didn't look "military" enough and there's quite a few laughs when he and the other actors point out the varying differences in his fake ones!
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So this is what I'm gonna do. I'm going to announce the next three heads here.
All three are from the 4th Doctor era, but two are from other Doctors eras as well. Call your friends, wake the kids. Tell your neigbors. We'll start collecting now for all three. The first one to reach 10 pre-payments is the first one paid to Chris and joins his que now. The others will earn their place as they reach 10 pre-payments. But who will the three be?
A Mistress, a Master, and a soldier.


Gentlemen, start your engines!

One last tease I wanted to throw out there. I have been hinting at a special 1:6 Doctor Who announcement soon and these three new head commissions I just posted weren't it.

It's the first of a special kind of 1:6 offering for Doctor Who Chris and I have wanted to make for a long time now, and a fore-shadowing of the infinite posabilities to come.
It has ties to people in both waves of heads we've announced, and I really like to do things in themes.

Stay tuned!
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Alright, it's been hinted at for a while now that we had plans and were hoping to do something special for this 1:6 Doctor Who line we've got going, and we're finally ready to announce it.

For those that have been following the range, consider the announcement a Christmas present to all of you who have been so supportive of our efforts, which we thank you all for emmensely.

We're making a Fourth Doctor, a Sarah Jane, and a Romana II. A master and two mistresses. Who's missing? Yeah, that's right. :)


I started a new thread just for him here:

-Rick :)
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to cross post here for a moment and tell you all the K-9 project just got a little more interesting! I went back and edited the first post of the K-9 thread to reflect the additions, which is the announcement of FOUR different versions!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are as excited as we are!
-Rick :banana:banana:banana
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