Hey Chris,
I was on ebay this morning and unfortunately, Bionic Joe has struck again. He even lists your name in the auction!!!!
Hopefully, you can do something about it. Here's the link:
Thanks, Shannon. I sent him a polite note saying I just couldn't believe it could be true!

Folks, please avoid recasters. They take other people's hard work and make unauthorized copies, often vastly inferior copies. They profit from these illicit copies without having to spend the years toiling for countless hours to develop the skill required to create such work. They take the easy, cheap dishonest route.

It begs the question, why should I bother putting out the immense effort it takes to create these sculptures when someone is just going to steal them, make crappy copies, ruin my reputation by attaching my name to inferior quality and undercut my price? I put perhaps 40 or more hours into a sculpt just to get to the point where I can show it to you all for a first look and a recaster puts 2 hours into making a mold and he's already making money. The return on his investment is many times mine even when he undercuts me by 50%.
So buy from the sculptor or an authorized source, please. You are always assured higher quality castings from first generation molds and you give the people who actually do the work the motivation to keep on creating those figures that you can't get anywhere else!

OK, I'm getting off my soapbox now....