Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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I've never slammed Chris & won't either. I've said I have confidence in him & I know all to well about life getting a little away on us all. I have full confidence that he'll come through. Not trying to be naive here, I just think it will take a little time that's all
Here is a copy of the email I just sent to Chris. Let's see what happens.
Hi. How are things with you? Just a little background:I paid for a House head and cane set back in December of 08 when the commission was started and have been waiting mostly patiently since then. But several things have come to light (most notably the fact that people are buying off eBay and receiving House head and cane sets) that make me despair of ever getting my set. To which I would just like to ask for a refund of the money I sent you and then I will go my way. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Mike Thain (thainer at SSF)

I guess my big question in this is not about the wait. It is why the F are people buying the House sets off ebay and receiving them in a week and I have been waiting for more than 8 months for the same thing. That was when things really went south for me.

Good luck, Mike. That letter is very close to the first request I made to him for a refund, and I never received any kind of answer.
Just a thought - maybe if people could be a little less hostile to Chris and be a little more supportive - just like people have been supportive of other artists here falling behind on their commitments due to personal life situations - it _might_ just happen.

I avoided chiming in on an already convoluted thread. But really - the insults and name-calling are unnecessary.

When Chris started here, everyone had but positive things to say about his work. People were starting "interest" and "commission" threads left and right - wanting Chris to tackle the job. Now that he's a few months behind because of "personal problems" he says he's having, everyone's calling him names now?

Don't get me wrong - I'm neither pro nor anti anyone here.

Just thought that it might not be a bad idea if people were a little nicer about this - just as they have been nice to the other artists who also missed their deadlines. Or does one have to be in the inner circle to be treated nicely?


Where did he tell anyone he was having personal problems?
Yeah I'm out like $60 bucks or so and it sucks. I'm tired of the games. I could get mad but I'm over it. you win some,you lose some.
Here's one more point to consider. Chris made a big deal about how he would take into account the feedback that he got from the people here to improve his sculpts. Part of the process of making these sculpts was supposed to be a give-and-take where people would point out the parts that looked off. Without communication, this process is impossible. Even if he does send out some heads many months down the road, I'm afraid they won't be what people were wanting.
Harrassing people and publishing their home address is against the rules of this forum. Links to websites with such addresses will be deleted.
May I ask how it got to this point? Any dealings I've had with Chris have been just fine. At what point did this get ugly? I mean we all know this is more than a hobby, it's art. You don't drop a coin in a machine and a head pops out.

I like his work. It impresses me. I can wait for quality.
May I ask how it got to this point? Any dealings I've had with Chris have been just fine. At what point did this get ugly? I mean we all know this is more than a hobby, it's art. You don't drop a coin in a machine and a head pops out.

I like his work. It impresses me. I can wait for quality.

Probably when he dropped all communication, ignored anyone who wanted a refund on work that was taking WAY to long and when he was selling heads on ebay instead of giving them to people who already paid.
Wow. Little by little this whole situation is starting to take another direction. Or as we say in Mexico "the tortilla is getting flipped". People are starting to actually defend him. Just read some previous sporadic posts.
Okay, I've looked into this independently and it does appear that captdan IS Diver4.
Being a notorious recaster of 1/6 heads is enough to get someone banned from this site.

Captdan's ONLY posts at this forum were attacking Chris. Everything points to an agenda that doesn't involve justice, only harrassement. I do wish Chris would be more forthcoming on here about the status of the commissions, otherwise I doubt someone whose sole intent was to stir up crap for Chris would have gained such traction. But that is a seperate matter from someone who is here only to inflame.
I just sent an email through eBay from one of his listings. Waiting for a response. No, I'm not suffering from Stolckholm Syndrome. I just think he'll do the right thing
Okay, I've looked into this independently and it does appear that captdan IS Diver4.
Being a notorious recaster of 1/6 heads is enough to get someone banned from this site.

Captdan's ONLY posts at this forum were attacking Chris. Everything points to an agenda that doesn't involve justice, only harrassement. I do wish Chris would be more forthcoming on here about the status of the commissions, otherwise I doubt someone whose sole intent was to stir up crap for Chris would have gained such traction. But that is a seperate matter from someone who is here only to inflame.

Wow, how evil can a person be. And to spend all that time an energy.
It's great that you did that research DD. Thank you for that.
Like I mentioned before, this whole thing is taking a big turn.
I think this is a good opportunity for Chris to come forward and fix this whole situation.
I don't care who captdan is -- it doesn't excuse Chris's behavior.

Exactly. I think some of you should make up your minds already :rolleyes: Forget the "CNN" distraction b.s. it doesn't change what CHRIS HOWES is!

Also good work Dave, I agree with you on the whole harrassment side of things .......... although many of us are pissed, harrassing him just makes you look worse.

Harrassment = sending hate letters to his home and his father, posting pics of him, posting his address, etc.

I suggest to the ones that are having a hard time understanding all the hate to actually read into the situation before posting more :rolleyes: comments.
Okay, I've looked into this independently and it does appear that captdan IS Diver4.

Wow. All I can say about that revelation is that you reap what you sow. If getting ripped off by Chris is his karma payback he's getting off lite. While this feud kept this thread hopping, it still doesn't excuse what is going on with Howes other commissions. If he didn't want to sell the statues to capndan/diver4 he should have just sent the guy's money back. Not sure how that affected his other work. If diver4 had ordered some of the other heads Chris could have canceled those orders to and been done with it. Instead he's using it as an excuse to not fill other orders. This diver4 is a real piece of work. He was actually one of the factors that derailed Andgor. They were only selling painted heads to try and prevent recasting. That's how they started getting behind. Then diver4 got a hold of a few of the heads and started selling unpainted recast. People began canceling their orders with Andgor to buy his bootlegs. Something tells me this clown has a beatdown in his future.
Okay, I've looked into this independently and it does appear that captdan IS Diver4.
Being a notorious recaster of 1/6 heads is enough to get someone banned from this site.

Captdan's ONLY posts at this forum were attacking Chris. Everything points to an agenda that doesn't involve justice, only harrassement. I do wish Chris would be more forthcoming on here about the status of the commissions, otherwise I doubt someone whose sole intent was to stir up crap for Chris would have gained such traction. But that is a seperate matter from someone who is here only to inflame.

If this is indeed true then it would clearly explain Dan's O.sixthwarrior screen name. I mean, l did have a bit of a feeling (but ignored it) that he might be diver because his o.sixthwarriors screen name has something with beach customs. Waaaait, beach and diver are related and a person who only buys staatues, wouldn't be into makin' customs. So you might be right, DD.
while I myself am disapointed in this whole situation I have to say some are taking it too far. It's gotten out of hand for some of us. It's okay to be mad, we all are to some extent but it's just getting to be too much. People need to know there is such a thing as a line you dont cross.
Just a thought - maybe if people could be a little less hostile to Chris and be a little more supportive - just like people have been supportive of other artists here falling behind on their commitments due to personal life situations - it _might_ just happen.

I avoided chiming in on an already convoluted thread. But really - the insults and name-calling are unnecessary.

Actually, I think I've been fairly supportive of Chris in the past and very understanding with delays. I absolutely understand he's a busy guy with a professional life and does this on the side. And as my post said, I would only consider that as an absolute last resort. Basically, I wouldn't consider this unless we're several more months (6, 7, whatever) down the road, the last two heads are never produced, and Chris doesn't produce anything else. I still want to believe he will finish the last two Glau sculpts since he has the base head done.

For perspective, the Summer Glau commission is one of the FIRST commissions Chris agreed to on SSF (started 9/15/08). Just his Bale Batman, Ledger Jokers, and Robert Downey Jr. heads came before that. The most popular version was the Cameron regular sculpt and Battle damaged sculpt, which have still not been completed 10 months later and has had no updates at all since March (four months ago). Incidentally, finished pictures of the Glau/River Tam version were also shown about that time, and those also have not shipped to my knowledge.
How hard is it to come on SSF, Issue a formal apology and continue carrying out orders?

Hi guys I took too many orders and now I'll need a bit more time to finish my workload.

This Chris Howes is suppose to be a professional? There is nothing professional about going into hiding and feeding people bull^^^^ emails with every excuse known to man. I wonder if he does this to the companies that pay for his commercial work.
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