Hello All!
Thought I'd prepare a thread to showcase my menagerie of custom projects.
Summer Glau/Cameron Terminator:SCC custom head interest
Maximus Gladiator Armor and Battle Cry Head
Lord Vicious commissioned Maximus shoulder piece
Doctor Who sculpts
Doctor Who K-9 commission
Milla Jovovich head commission
Ghostbusters- First page where I take over as sculptor
Jason Lee/Earl and Ethan Supree/Randy My Name is Earl
The Lone Gunmen, Skinner and M&S X-files Headsculpts set
LOST- Sawyer Commission
Dark Knight Headsculpts from C. Howes- Alfred, Dent, Gordon, Fox
2 Dark Knight Jokers and Bruce Wayne
Lt. Gorman from Aliens
Hugh Laurie, House by Howes
Keifer Sutherland "David" from Lost Boys -Vamp version
Jack Nicholson from "The Shining"
Movie FX Great, Stan Winston
Booth and Bones
Sawyer from "Lost"
Before you declare me a mad man ( that point is debatable ), be aware these are spread over time.... Some are done, some underway, some will be coming in the next round. Some haven't even made minimum number of committed people yet. Sheesh! You think I'm Super Sculptor or something!?!
To calm the fears of the few folks who have expressed doubts....
Keep in mind that this is what I do for a living.
Come this April I will have been doing this for 20 years. 20 years. I can hardly believe it myself. I'm not an accountant or grocer or mechanic ( all honorable professions!) who comes home at night to dabble at sculpting. I've been doing this all day, every day, often for 12 hours or more, for my entire adult life. You have seen my work without knowing it..... it's EVERYWHERE. In the words of Peter Venkman, "Back off, man, I'm a professional!"

I can spend my time working for big impersonal cynical companies that only worry about the bottom line rather than quality and content, or I can spend it working for you, the people who actually have passion for all of this!! It's a no brainer. I'm very grateful for and surprised about the wonderful reception I've had in the custom world. Thank you, it's really quite touching. I pledge to do my utmost to bring you the best quality work I possibly can. I want to make your ultimate figures reality!
So, visit those projects you are interested in and sign up! And let me know if there is that certain figure you just can't live without....
Here's a photo of one of my more popular heads..... "Licky Joker".
Thanks to
Kuato for the amazing paint app!
Check back soon for more!