I went to the Chinese theater IMAX to see this and I didn't really like it. It was a bombardment to the senses. Hated the non-linear "One Week", "One Day", "One hour" structure and that booming, foreboding soundtrack playing throughout 90% of the film. There's not a single scene that is quiet. When characters are talking in a relatively peaceful scene, it just has these repetitive tracks that make it difficult to hear the character's dialogue.
The thing with the kid on the boat and Cillian Murphy actually made me laugh because of how awkwardly staged it all was. The outcome to that little sideplot was stupid. I wasn't invested in any of the characters like Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, or Blackhawk down, and many of the soldiers looked the same. There were some beautiful shots throughout (especially the plane scenes), but it did nothing for me overall.