Wow, he can swear and curse while mom is upstairs cooking dinner. I got to the pose part and switched off as I've read all of the complaints here and at statue forum.
What made me laugh was his moaning about the head sculpt and comparing it with Hot Toys whilst the image displaying the 'superior' sculpt was the old press release pic before the changes were made. I still think it's paint and light, the sculpt looks there and far more like Reeve than the initial Hot Toys sculpt.
Fair enough the Ex is useless. Comic Supes Pf will get that or it will display with the Hot Toys base. The pose isn't great but it's not as bad as it looked in silhouette and the base isn't great.
I think this is almost there which is why I bought it. I wasn't impressed with the preview but it looked better with the full pics. 400 bucks is a lot of money to me but with my six year old son having cancer, Superman has come to actually be a symbol of hope and things like this pop up when we need it most. In my situation I'd rather have a Reeve Superman that almost gets it right than not have one at all. I don't expect others to agree or even understand but I made the choice and it's mine.
If others want to knock it, tear it down or get upset as if Sideshow owes them something then fair play to them. Guys like the one on the video can rant all they like. This will still sell, Sideshow don't need guys like him or his reviews or rants.