Waitlist 4 lyfe
Nice pic!
Just a quickie before bed time guys...initial thoughts...didn't like it at all but it's a grower and now that I've played with the cape a little, I actually quite like it. 'S' Symbol could've been way better but not bad at all
Display him on an elevated shelf and I think you will be just fine.
The further away the better![]()
Just got mine and he is going back. Mine was too top heavy so he leans forward. He is full of seams since he is plastic. Looking closely the seams are very noticeable on the head and one side of his head. The wall diorama is flimsy and fits together rather clumsy the suit on mine is a tad bit short on the hands, I tried to stretch it to fit closet to his hand and it is simp too short. Face sculpt in hand, IMO, is like the Man of Steel lifeless and plastic looking. Anyone that owned the Henry Cavill statue will understand that this piece is only slightly better than that one and that's not saying much, I'm afraid. Being a huge Christopher Reeve fan I was willing to overlook a few short comings upon delivery but after receiving it and it being almost a carbon copy of The Man of Plastic figure, I cannot do it-not for the 400+ price. Too bad. Perhaps those that get this can be more forgiving than I, I waited this long for a Reeve figure I can wait a couple more years for a proper one. Best of luck and congrats to all that get this one and keep it.
Max Power
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Sorry to hear that Maxx.... the guy who's photos I posted yesterday (BMG productions) is apparently very unhappy with his also... I thought at first he was happy but he appears to think it's pretty awful and is very disappointed in SSC... and he is a huge supporter and fan of SSC... He seems to think this statue is almost laughable, quality wise...
I hope that those who want to like it do... Personally I am very disappointed in about every decision SSC has made with this piece... I have been very vocal about the pose since the preview vid went up... It is IMO this is the worst pose SSC has done. It's silly, non film accurate, and does not in anyway convey a feeling of motion. The choice of pose gives it a 1/6 scale toy figure look... the Head sculpt while decent is very lifeless looking... There is no humanity in the sculpt and Christopher Reeve as Superman was full of humanity. You can tell that this was based off a life cast.. You have to be very still and show no emotion while they do that process.. This appears emotionless and almost brainwashed looking. The clothing always looked a bit off but the production piece has really missed the boat.. The fact that people are praying that the S symbol is just a little rounded is sad as they should not have to settle. The Base was always just OK to me and really just gave an awkward looking statue a more awkward look... Sitting a half moon shaped damn on top of a chess piece is just strange... Now there is the fact that this piece (Superman wise) is all PVC... I remember seeing vids of the MOS PF being picked up and flown moved around like a toy and thus giving the appearance of a toy... I am not one who usually cares about weight... But complete PVC is complete BS... and I am sure it all comes down to the fact that they choose and awkward pose to put onto and awkward base... I just don't see the value in this piece.. Especially with Maxxpower pics... Seams... really... We have to deal with seams on a $400.00 plus piece.
I am not a SSC hater. I will post my opinions when I don't agree with a choice they make (Superman worm eyes, Batman PF pose) but will admit when I am wrong and praise them when they do well.... Pretty much my whole collection is SSC... But I am so disappointed in this effort... I wanted a CR Superman for my collection... OK this was not the piece for me... But I was hoping it would come out good for those who liked it... Perhaps those who get it will still be happy... But it's disheartening to hear some of the decisions SSC made with this piece and it worries me about future SSC pieces..
This is the best photo I have seen before.. But even here the frays look at the bottom of the cape does not say quality to me...
It's nuts...
Yeah I don't mind this pic but you're right about that cape, man...
Yeah I don't mind this pic but you're right about that cape, man...
Well, mines just shipped.
Yeah Bruce.. I know overall you like it... It's just a crazy piece to me full of strange final decisions.. It's almost like the Frankenstein monster the way this thing was pieced together.
Yeah, that was what CS stated. Obviously it can't be, since body and head are a single piece. When it comes to these details, CS answers are randomic, they have no clue what goes on in production.