This bust looks so wrong...the helmet shape is wrong,the face is Arnolds and not Wellers and the backdetails of the helmet are also wrong.
This bust is a joke for this price..sorry.
Because the helmet is wrong the face is never going to look right.I hope they do some tweaks to the helmet as well. Even if they fix the likeness, it still won't look quite right without some adjustments.
Pics from Facebook replies. Wow!
I don’t understand... were they just hoping we wouldnt notice they took short cuts and just put in Arnold’s mouth in there that they already had a sculpt of?? Its not like life size bust collectors are just casuals , we are the most obsessed people you can find regarding accuracy. Their sculpters should have known this would not pass. I am a huge Robocop fan - I have the Fred Barton 1:1 piece and the Chronicle collectors scale ED 209 and Cain statues but when I saw this I had no excitement what so ever- just a shrug ‘pass’
No it's an original Chronicle piece. It's being revised apparently. Unbelievable they tried to sell it as is.
From where did you hear this? Not trying to be a **** - just truly curious. Thanks.
I have the Fred Barton bust - which is a great cast but came decapitated so I have yet to repair it ��
From where did you hear this? Not trying to be a **** - just truly curious. Thanks.
I have the Fred Barton bust - which is a great cast but came decapitated so I have yet to repair it ��
Anyone getting this?
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