Statue Chronicle Collectibles 1:4 Endoskeleton Statue: Terminator Genisys

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Well it will glow when it's very hot or firing of course (purple CGI aside) but some burnt metal will turn blue as you can see on certain exhaust pipes etc, and the rear of this F-16.


I am VERY familiar with jet engines and their exhausts. :wink1: Day jobs....pshh...
I know it is canon and all, but it seems CC is banking a lot on this movie being great or that people care more about canon/legacy more than how the movie turns out.

Like the Tank for example. It looks cool and all, but so does 100s of other of robot pieces out there. With not having seen the movie yet, there is no way I could care for a generic robot for X amount of $$$.

None of this is an ED or Cain.
I want to pre-order this endo, but at the same time I'm worried about the movie. I still need an endo for my Terminator-collection, but I'm not sure if I want one from this movie if it sucks. Who knows how the endo from SS will look like, maybe that endo will suck but be from an awesome movie. If only Chronicle could leave out the plaque, but that wasnt their call to make.

Life as a Terminator-collector was much easier in the past when hardly anything was released. Now they release more this year than the last 5 years combined :p
I'm not bothered if the film is crap, I'm buying it for what it is... A kick arse Endo :)
People think the wolf predator is the greatest thing ever, yet it comes from the ****tiest movie, ever. Irony.
People think the wolf predator is the greatest thing ever, yet it comes from the ****tiest movie, ever. Irony.
True, but that statue do not have a plaque saying AVP:Requiem. It is the plaque that bothers me the most about the endo, if the movie sucks :p
True, but that statue do not have a plaque saying AVP:Requiem. It is the plaque that bothers me the most about the endo, if the movie sucks :p

Rip it off and put T2 on. Problem solved. Hehee. What else do you expect them to do when it's made for the movie?

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It's tough being a collector now when so many crappy movies have such great character designs.
Depends on your mentality, some people let it get to them, I really appreciate character design whatever it is from. It isn't legacy's fault if this movie stinks, they have done their bit awesomely as usual and here it is offered to us from a company that will recreate it with love and respect. That is good enough for me to buy one plaque or not.

The logo is forced, it sucks, but maybe it will be easy to remove for those who wish to do so.
Depends on your mentality, some people let it get to them, I really appreciate character design whatever it is from. It isn't legacy's fault if this movie stinks, they have done their bit awesomely as usual and here it is offered to us from a company that will recreate it with love and respect. That is good enough for me to buy one plaque or not.

The logo is forced, it sucks, but maybe it will be easy to remove for those who wish to do so.

For me the design out weight weather I like the movie or not, but does help make the piece so much better when the movie rocks.