I'll address the shipping issue.
We don't make money on shipping, ever. We charge the exact amount from three providers.
We don't know how Sideshow can charge such low rates? Maybe it's because they factor the shipping into the product and because they use cheaper factories they can absorb those costs.
Toynami will distribute this world wide and you will have a chance to buy one internationally. We sold over half the run of the Rex bust overseas and that makes it easier for you guys to own. I do hear horror stories where some dealers are scalping for our products and if you see this happening, please let us know and we will forward that info to Toynami and we will make them change the price or refuse to use them in the future.
We do lower the value for some customers, but you have to be willing to accept the outcome if it gets damaged as there is no insurance.
We try to do what we can to help with shipping and again we only charge actual costs....