It's easy for anyone living in the US to say, "accept the refund and move on" but I think some of you are missing the point. As international buyers paying in US dollars, we lose even if we get a full refund from the seller. The credit card companies keep the exchange difference on both the sale and refund, the loser being the buyer. In cases like this where the item is $2000 or more, the buyer potentially loses hundreds of dollars for doing absolutely nothing wrong but winning an auction. The same thing happened to me a couple years ago when I got scammed on a $4000 camera. I did all my homework and won the auction, got scammed and won my dispute but still lost $400 on the exchange. A lot of you are saying take the refund and cut your losses, yet a lot of you are the same people who complain about high shipping or duties that come nowhere near what this buyer lost.
What's disheartening when this happens is we not only lose a lot of money but we also lose the auction item which sometimes takes forever to find. It's kind of a double whammy for the buyer.
I feel for you tonathan but all you can do now is vent and move on.
Good luck in your search!