thats the thing, I don't see anyone making another 1:1 Werewolf bust. It's too big of a pain to do the hair.
Patriot, what are those two werewolves at the top? The bottom one is from 2010's Wolfman, correct?
I found the guy who makes those Dracula as Werewolf busts. That's first on my list after I track down the ECC Lycan.
Thanks for the info. I just looked him up and the bottom one is based on the 2010 Wolfman, but the others are his original designs.Those are Jeremy Bohr's custom sculpts. I don't think those were based on a film, but I'm not 100% percent sure. Those are both cool busts you posted too...gonna be one bad*** collection if you end up with all these.
So the lycan is definitely bigger than marcus. Do the proportions look right when looking at it in person?
Your videos are awesome with the high frame rate. Thanks man!