Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

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Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Your sculpting is getting better and better with each custom Joel. Nice work man.
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Your sculpting is getting better and better with each custom Joel. Nice work man.

Thanks a lot DA! You wait and see Clift ad Brando, they look brilliant! ;)
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

I just saw Bonnie and Clyde again the other day and thought I should finish my Warren Beatty Head Sculpt, pretty much done minus the hair! ;)

Let me know what you think! ;)

I agree with DA! Your sculpting is getting to be really really good! I recognized him instantly. And what a great movie and subject...looks real cool! Btw, I'm looking forward to seeing Clift and Brando as well! How long did it take you to make Warren?
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

I agree with DA! Your sculpting is getting to be really really good! I recognized him instantly. And what a great movie and subject...looks real cool! Btw, I'm looking forward to seeing Clift and Brando as well! How long did it take you to make Warren?

Thanks Geronimo! Well, I actually started this one some time ago and never finished it so I could not really say to be honest! I agree mate and will keep the thread updated with some images of them sooner rather than later!

Awesome work on the sculpt Joel.:clap Love the film. That ending is brutal!:horror

Cheers Fistful, yeah, it is a classic, one of my favourites that is for sure!
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Ok, I think I've finalized Marlon's sculpt in "On The Waterfront". I've been fiddling with the smallest details of his eyelids as well as the size of his eyes and here are some pics in both color and B&W. The only thing left is I'm awaiting his red checked jacket from the seamstress. I have seen pictures and she nailed it...can't wait to get it, and then I'll post some pics...


Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Ok, I think I've finalized Marlon's sculpt in "On The Waterfront". I've been fiddling with the smallest details of his eyelids as well as the size of his eyes and here are some pics in both color and B&W. The only thing left is I'm awaiting his red checked jacket from the seamstress. I have seen pictures and she nailed it...can't wait to get it, and then I'll post some pics...



That looks the best it has in my opinion mate! The likeness is right there now! Really like the Black and White image!
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...










Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

That is insane buddy! The figure all around looks top notch and that jacket and the fit is spot on to the film, very accurate looking piece! Awesome stuff mate. Came out better than I expected, got to finish mine now! haha
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Also, really like it hooked around his neck just like the film! Awesome!
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Excellent work there! The clothing and the sculpt together look great. I like the pose you have him in.
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Wow, fantastic work and that jacket looks amazing.

Thanks DA! The jacket came out even better than I expected. At some point, I need to iron the collar down a bit, but other than that, I think it is a pretty good representation of the one in the movie. It's the first time I used this seamstress and she did a fabulous job!

That is insane buddy! The figure all around looks top notch and that jacket and the fit is spot on to the film, very accurate looking piece! Awesome stuff mate. Came out better than I expected, got to finish mine now! haha

Hello Joel, thanks :)! I'm looking forward (and always do) to see what you are up to!

Also, really like it hooked around his neck just like the film! Awesome!

The funny thing about that hook was it wasn't easy to find the right gauge of wire to make it. I agree that it adds a little something extra though...

Excellent work there! The clothing and the sculpt together look great. I like the pose you have him in.

Hi Fistful...yeah, kind of a defiant pose; like he's had I feel sometimes :) :)...
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Thought I would throw a image up of Clint Eastwood, Where Eagles Dare!

Marlon Brando, The Young Lions Head Sculpt next!

Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Wow, is that your sculpt Joel? Mighty fine!! And a fine paint job also..I really like the very very slight beard stumble!
Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, Dean & Others...

Wow, is that your sculpt Joel? Mighty fine!! And a fine paint job also..I really like the very very slight beard stumble!

Good eye mate, very happy with how that came out! Got to like anything Clint Eastwood related! ;)