Did he or didn't he.
Sorry, if he did since 2001 than it is bad.
The fans and the media get behind these atheletes when they are perfect, and then the mdiea turns which in turn turns the fans.
I am not advocating steroids at all.
Not in the least.
People can assume and say so and so are guilty, but until there is proof or until they admit it, it is an opinion.
The players today make millions and millions of dollars.
It is a buisness where not only the owners make money, but now so do the players.
They do not have to work in the off season.
Instead, they work out and train.
They pay people to keep them in shape, to turn their body into a machine to hit the ball farther, to throw faster.
Over 15 to 20 years of this, players are going to get bigger.
Do I think Clemens took something, I do not know, I wanna say no.
Do I think Bonds did, quite possibly, but do I know, no.
My favorite retired baseball player is Mark McGwire.
What sickens me more than players taking steroids, is that our government spending my freakin tax dollars on this damn issue.
Spend this money on getting drugs like meth and crack off the freakin streets.