Clone Trooper Poll on SS Site

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Went with blue cause how cool they looked in the trailer and there the jedi killer which ive got a few of.

Still would prefer commanders first, just hope SSC does'nt do a hasbro and keep releasing endless waves of clones.

just noticed i hit a 1000 posts, nice.
All those colors... Lucas' bad LSD trip or something. Looking at these clones, I think of Carnival in RIO DE JANEIRO.

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Aquarela do Brasil
Ary Barroso (1939)

Meu Brasil brasileiro
Meu mulato inzoneiro
Vou cantar-te nos meus versos
Ô Brasil, samba que dá
Bamboleio, que faz gingá
Ô Brasil do meu amor
Terra de Nosso Senhor
Brasil! Brasil!
Prá mim... prá mim...

Ô, abre a cortina do passado
Tira a Mãe Preta do serrado
Bota o Rei Congo no congado
Brasil! Brasil!
Deixa cantar de novo o trovador
À merencória luz da lua
Toda canção do meu amor
Quero ver a “Sá Dona” caminhando
Pelos salões arrastando
O seu vestido rendado
Brasil! Brasil!
Prá mim... prá mim...

terra boa e gostosa
Da morena sestrosa
De olhar indiscreto
Ô Brasil, verde que dá
Para o mundo se admirá
Ô Brasil do meu amor
Terra de Nosso Senhor
Brasil! Brasil!
Prá mim... prá mim...

Ô, esse coqueiro que dá côco
Oi, onde amarro a minha rêde
Nas noites claras de luar
Brasil! Brasil!
Ah, ouve essas fontes murmurantes
Aonde eu mato a minha sede
E onde a lua vem brincá
Ah, este Brasil lindo e trigueiro
É o meu Brasil brasileiro
Terra de samba e pandeiro
Brasil! Brasil!
Prá mim... prá mim...

just noticed i hit a 1000 posts, nice.


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So how many troopers of each kind do you guys intend to get?

My likely shopping list would be:

Blue(x2), Red(x1), Orange(x2), Gray(x1)
I'd take some Clone Cold Assault Troopers...


Or some ARC troopers...especially these ones:


As for regular clones? Give me these:

Were those Shadow Clones in the movie? I don't remember them. Maybe because their camoflage is that darn good? :lol

i think they're just part of the stealth everything marketing strategy that included stealth AT-AT walkers


To the best of my knowledge the only true stealth types were the blackhole stormtroopers from the Marvel Comics and Storm Commandos.

According to that link the stealth clone troopers originated first as a product, without any story, and their backstory is fan written.
In the Dark Empire comic bok series, there are black armored stormtroopers, refered to as "darktroopers" ( the comic Pre-dated the dark forces game, they are what we now call shadow troopers) they functioned as escorts for dark jedi.
I imagine these are for the 12 inch line. It would be a great time to see some troopers, but I'm collecting the PF's and these would be awesome in that format, bring alot of buzz to the line. I could see spending 1G for a PF Clone Trooper 5 Pack, imagine that. The Troopers will be a cash cow, can't wait to see them.
i think they're just part of the stealth everything marketing strategy that included stealth AT-AT walkers


To the best of my knowledge the only true stealth types were the blackhole stormtroopers from the Marvel Comics and Storm Commandos.

According to that link the stealth clone troopers originated first as a product, without any story, and their backstory is fan written.

I TOTALLY bought into that line...if it's black and shiny, it's awesome...
So you think we'll get a new announcement out of this? Kind of seems like we're about due for a new 1/6 SW pre-order.
Ig it's just a reg clone, and not a named guy, or something special like an ARC, I'll take a 501's please, just bring us many many clones, with high edition sizes. I want to have this in 1/6th

Don;t the rest of you?
Ig it's just a reg clone, and not a named guy, or something special like an ARC, I'll take a 501's please, just bring us many many clones, with high edition sizes. I want to have this in 1/6th

Don;t the rest of you?

Wow... I'd certainly love a 1/6th LAAT but I'd have to buy it here as the shipping would be a killer.... I also have NFI where I'd put it.
This is a little off topic, so hopefully no one will mind. I got to thinking that they'll probably make that Rex guy and give him a hologram of Obi-Wan in clone armor. But I would rather have Commander Cody than this Rex character. I wonder why they made up a new character instead of just using Cody for the cartoon.
This is a little off topic, so hopefully no one will mind. I got to thinking that they'll probably make that Rex guy and give him a hologram of Obi-Wan in clone armor. But I would rather have Commander Cody than this Rex character. I wonder why they made up a new character instead of just using Cody for the cartoon.

Cody is in the cartoon as well. :chew
I could happily live without a single Clone in my collection and hope SSC don't go the Hasbro & Medicom route and release nothing but Clone variants for a while.
My intrest in both companies waned because of that and now I'm becoming intrested in SSC again I don't want the same thing to happen.
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