Insufferable S.O.B.
Kit came in last week. Awesome stuff as usual. BBQ is still a loooong way off.
Kit came in last week. Awesome stuff as usual. BBQ is still a loooong way off.
Pace pm me with the money that you need for the BBQ stuff mate!
Damn that looks great! Put me down for Dial Tone, please, Pace.
But not if you meant Sigma Bats
A bit more refinement. The sculpt looks a bit "squarish" in shape on film but totally ok on hand. I can still change the shape depending on feedback here. Couple more of checking and smoothing out then its final unless someone points out something to change. The two hair braids will be done separately from soft wires to simulate movement with posing the head to give a lot of option. If it works then of to casting.