Yeah, should be interesting.
There was plenty of urban stuff going on in the Vietnam war too, though. Remember the Tet Offensive? Battle for Hue?
Probably not, but not because of the setting. I'd be more psyched about this if it was Infinity Ward taking care of this one.
Still, quite a few of the weapons will be the same. You'll still have M-16s and AKs, and all the variants. M-14s, Dragunovs, etc. No MP5s, but maybe Uzis (were they used?), Mac-10s, and other submachineguns. M-79 bloopers, RPGs, LAWs, Claymores. Yeah, the bulk of the weaponry you can get in the MW games will be there.
Lots of special forces type stuff going on too. Vietnam was not an "old war" in the same sense as WWII was. We could still have ghillie suit levels, AC-130 (or its predecessor, the AC-47), cool riverboat levels, urban warfare as well as jungle environments, helo ops, etc. I think you will find that the Vietnam conflict was a lot more "modern" than you think.
Well, yes, and no. Prior to, and during the Vietnam War, the U.S. Military had little to no experience in guerrilla-type warfare. The aftermath of Vietnam changed a lot of things, and forced the military to revamp many of their stratagems and basic tactics for special forces. Even Special Operations branches like SOCOM were created decades after Nam (although, SOCOM was not a direct consequence of Nam).
Vietnam isn't as old as WWII, but it's still "old" for today's standards, when taking into account the evolution of military tactics, and the advancements in technology over the past 40 years. Although, it's nice to see a new COD game that isn't in the WWII setting.