Those BBTS prices do not include boots or sabers - right?
anybody think Sideshow will carry these? really want an Obi Wan and Anakin
Ok not to be a smartass but can I ask what you are going to do with it? I mean wear it, put it on a mannequin, etc.
They ought to be, their Production Blog last year was one of the early mentions of this line. Though something could have changed over the course of a year, it sounded like Sideshow would be distributing these.
Well, I didn't add words because I was posting in response to a post above mine about lightsabers, but I had meant the ROTJ Luke lightsaber hilt.
The ROTS Obi-Wan costume is tempting, but I didn't realize the boots weren't included, although it makes sense, but that takes the price up to $1400, already have the saber at least. Right now I can't and won't be swinging that, Vader 1:1 bust is the only $1000+ item for me right now, but if something changes and these are still around it'd be tempting. I really like the character of Obi-Wan and the ROTS costume. I'd get a manequin for it and display it in my collection and wear it for Halloween or conventions too. I think it'd look cool to have it on display and have a hand holding the Force FX saber.
I really wish someone would make costumes somewhere between the super cheesy Halloween stuff that only costs $50 and these so you could have something that looks pretty legit but isn't so legit it breaks the bank either.
While those costoms look pretty good, the total cost in too big. There are many resources anyone can build their own costume with some work. Also, the 501st has so many wonderful members who are usually willing to give advice or even offer some low cost help. I agree that there is some fan stuff out there that is quite hideous but there is also allot of great work from really talented fans.
I'm interested in the lightsaber replicas because originally this is where the Master Replicas' CE line was heading for to compliment this line that never took off. Looking at the Luke Skywalker, its not promising. It looks like a stunt hybrid
Original Stunt:
Museum Replicas version:
The Emitter is wrong its the hero design, not to mention at least from this view the neck is wrong as its not completely copper colored, The cone and nail are from the v2 while the plummel looks more like the FX or Remote Control version than any of the actual looks.
The Obi and Anakins look pretty good though.
I have no real need for costumings but this line was supposed to include armor versions at least in the original pitch so I'll be watching for how much they charge for a Boba Fett piece.
Custom costumes can be quite expensive too - all depends on how accurate
you want to be.
IIRC on their site it said the sabers are resin and vacuum metallized. at that price, I'd expect all metal construction.
Pretty sure real metal is why MR's cost $400 and not $150.
I think he's talking about these new costume 'stunt' sabers being made of resin.
I know exactly what he's talking about, and I'm saying that real metal is part of what made the MR's cost so much more in comparison to these costume sabers and that you're not going to get that at $150, resin with vac sealed metal is what you'll get for $150.
Why even bring in the actual 1:1 LEs into the discussion? What was the reason?
He said that for the 'price' ie. $150, he doesnt think resin is worth it and it should be all metal.