Collecting & Girls - What's your experience?

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Just noticed this thread, My experience has been that most women may be a little weirded out at first but really warm up to it. One time I had a girl drag me up to my room before I had any time to explain my hobby (house party, got rowdy), busted in kissing and rippin clothes of... then the look (noticing my SW figures on my shelf)...

then the giggles started ( im super embarrassed)...

then she pulls her pants down and turns around to show me a tramp stamp of 2 lightsabres crossing on her lower back :yess:

was a good time
i love my stuff, if im so embarrassed to show it and i have to hide my stuff like batman the "girl" was too immature to look outside the box and accept me for who i am. she doesnt deserve my love, "manly" talents, or the roof over her head that i would provide for her. im tired of this hide yourself mentality. those people are undoubtedly embarrassed of themselves and think people will laugh at them, not just women. to think you have to mold yourself to what others want is a mental travesty no one should be subject to endure. be yourself, if she doesnt want you there will be someone who will. im in no rush to feel like garbage or sell my stuff just to be with someone. the only way id get rid of it is if i had to for financial reasons.
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Now that comic book movies are mainstream successes I think the attitudes from people (including women) have changed for the better toward figure/statue collectors. Granted, there will always be those women that think it's silly and/or immature--but screw them. My wife knew I was a collector when we started dating and has never had a problem with it--as long as my collection doesn't completely take over the house. She has even started her own little collection of quirky robot figures. I bought her a 2' Iron Giant toy that she wanted and she placed it in the foyer to greet people at our front door. She's a keeper and there are more like her out there. I know a ton of women, young and old, that are fans of Dr. Who, Arrow, and Game of Thrones--they go see comic book movies and buy collectibles. In fact, we're going to a comic convention later this year and meeting several people there and the majority of them are women.
I know some guys who collect where their wives/girlfriends aren't as supportive. I love my collection and I'm lucky that Jenn loves it, too!
I've never kept a relationship going with a girl that gave me a hard time about collecting--especially since I didn't (and still don't) spend money on my collection that should be used for bills, food, etc. or spend more time with it than whoever I was dating at the time. Those are about the only legitimate reasons I think any significant other should have for not liking collecting. My wife wasn't excited about my collection when we met but she understood that it was something that I loved and enjoyed. Now she shows off my collection when we have people over, lol.
LOL @ hiding your obsession and hobby. Ain't no time for that. You don't have to flaunt it but don't actively sweep it under.

PSA: You yourself come first because the least attractive people are people who aren't happy with themselves.
The more toys you buy the less chance you have of dating around. Unless you go for nerdy girls like you, Or unless you just get married and she can't do anything about it :lol
The only time I can see it being a problem is if spending gets out of hand, other than that, I don't understand why collecting would be a problem for a spouse.
Just noticed this thread, My experience has been that most women may be a little weirded out at first but really warm up to it. One time I had a girl drag me up to my room before I had any time to explain my hobby (house party, got rowdy), busted in kissing and rippin clothes of... then the look (noticing my SW figures on my shelf)...

then the giggles started ( im super embarrassed)...

then she pulls her pants down and turns around to show me a tramp stamp of 2 lightsabres crossing on her lower back :yess:

was a good time

Just noticed this thread, My experience has been that most women may be a little weirded out at first but really warm up to it. One time I had a girl drag me up to my room before I had any time to explain my hobby (house party, got rowdy), busted in kissing and rippin clothes of... then the look (noticing my SW figures on my shelf)...

then the giggles started ( im super embarrassed)...

then she pulls her pants down and turns around to show me a tramp stamp of 2 lightsabres crossing on her lower back :yess:

was a good time

that right there is the kind of girl you marry
My wive tolerated this after a long struggle, but when her friends show up they like it, it's awww it's so cool, they don't mind my action figure collection that much, is my Lego one that throws them off, but I have heard that her friends think I am still a kid and why she is wasting my time. Then I remind them how much is worth and then just sit back and ponder on that question... I don't really care, if they don't like they can look for someone else, and that's hard because if they are too busy playing games, collecting toys, drinking beer, buying purses, buying shoes, it's all worth it in the end.
The only time I can see it being a problem is if spending gets out of hand, other than that, I don't understand why collecting would be a problem for a spouse.

I would concur with this. Everyone's allowed have a hobby. Its only a problem if it gets out of hand...which I think it has in my case. Trying to change..with some success of late. Just need to keep it up.
I would concur with this. Everyone's allowed have a hobby. Its only a problem if it gets out of hand...which I think it has in my case. Trying to change..with some success of late. Just need to keep it up.

true. compromise by collecting girl's....undies.:lecture
I would die for a nerdy girl. I think they're a myth like leprechauns and god.

I know one, couldn't close the deal fast enough before another guy snagged her though

The only time I can see it being a problem is if spending gets out of hand, other than that, I don't understand why collecting would be a problem for a spouse.

Every girl is just so different. In past experiences a lot of girls do think my collection is cool. There were a few that never even saw it and we're immediately turned off and wouldnt even date me if they were in their own room.
I would concur with this. Everyone's allowed have a hobby. Its only a problem if it gets out of hand...which I think it has in my case. Trying to change..with some success of late. Just need to keep it up.

I'm trying to make some changes as well. I cancelled a few things and wish I could a few more, like the 1/6 Robocop. I plan on selling off my PFs except for my LotR ones.