I've found a second wind.
Discount outlets and 1/12th have kind of given me a bit of a shot in the arm. I'm happy to still dig around the bargain areas, see what's out there, sometimes it's something pretty cool. For example, the Black Series Endor Rebel Commando was 7.99. That's a fun figure. Lots of accessories. I saw it on a shelf. No preordering, no waiting, no wait list, no payment plan, no jumping through hoops. It's not paying the 275-350 range for a higher end 1/6th figure now. Obviously that's not the common case and you have to be a little lucky, but there's a nice range of Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and GI Joe Classified that can be had for good pricing ( Ebay, loose lots, discount retailers, small trades, etc) to keep things interesting.
I don't think I am "out" but my list of wants in 1/6th have dwindled dramatically. I only had really four "grails" left. I was fortunate to remove one and got an amazing deal on a Durasteel HT Mando from
@fireball117 . I still have him, he's great, and I found a loose Grogu at a good price too later to add to him. He was my only real "full purchase" since I've been back in the hobby. Thank you
@fireball117 , wherever you are right now out there brother. There are only a few thing left in 1/6th I'd want or heavily pursue now.
What I think is pushing me out of 1/6th is not just the growing price points, and also more of a shift to quasi statues instead of actual action figures ( that point is where McFarlane loses me sometimes, he make some interesting stuff, no doubt, but his stuff is really more like a quasi statue instead of an real full fleshed out "action figure" ) but it's the "crowd funding" strategy used now. Pay upfront and we'll get you the figure in 18 months. Maybe 2 years. If it's a small brand, now I see it as a 50/50 coin flip where they might just steal your money and run. With something like GI Joe Classified or mainline Transformers, for the most part, if I order it, it's going to be delivered in a week or so timeline wise. There's brick and mortar access. Clearance potential. Online "big box" retailers. Larger trade potential. Better chance at loose lots on Ebay potential. 3rd party support. Smaller footprint. Dramatically less in total cost. And without all the drama that 1/6th now self creates.
I know of three people, who talked to me in private, within the span of the last six months, who have left this forum completely. They pre-ordered a figure from a brand and have been waiting five plus years now. They are gone and will never ever come back. They don't believe they will get their figure at all and I don't blame them. I can't do it, I can't ride through what's left of this hobby like that. I also can't handle when others attempt to gaslight me after they've stolen my money and my stuff.
When I'm occasionally in a Target or a Ross, if I want something, if I see something I like that's there, I can buy it right then. Take it home. Open it up. Mess with it Have a few laughs. I don't have to jump through hoops like timed flash sales, or intentionally limited runs to drive 75 percent of the collectors crazy or just the non stop typical aggrieved "pained artist" lamentations from art house brands as if they are doing you a favor by taking your money and failing to deliver. Don't get me wrong, brick and mortar and mainline release access is not perfect, but there are just way more ways to minimize the carnage than current 1/6th SOP right now. But that's just my perspective.