Premium Format Colossus PF

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Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

hey WTF, I dont remember spooktacular very well. I remember Jason going up super early in the morning because Black Elektra went on sale around that time and it sold out in like 20 minutes or something and the servers crashed.

Where are all the new exclusives?

I thought there would of been color variants or surprise comiquettes.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Black Elektra too? I thought she was on order via Black Friday. I definitely don't remember getting her that early either? :panic::monkey3
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

oops that was black and white Friday sometime in November.

I have no idea what I was doing last year during spooktacular. I think I have the 2 events confused.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

So far everything revealed at Spooktacular has not been my cup of tea. I hope they release this tomorrow or something that'll make me happy. So far I'm just not feeling anything.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

He needs to be taller then She-Hulk PF since it looks like a standing pose. It should be massive.

I think he will be up tomorrow.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I just went and measured She-Hulk, she stands just over 20", the Custom Colossus I have is at 22". I just hope the PF stands at least 23"
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I think the loose fitting fabric they used is hug emistake...makes it look like Colossus is wearing a cheap pajama:monkey4


This is what the the actual Colossus is supposed to look like..another miss by SS:dunno
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I just wish that sideshow would put a tad more effort into their marvel premium format line...i will probably still order this you guy's are right...(and sideshow apparently knows it as well) but looking at my xmen sideshow line it could be much much better.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I just wish that sideshow would put a tad more effort into their marvel premium format line...i will probably still order this you guy's are right...(and sideshow apparently knows it as well) but looking at my xmen sideshow line it could be much much better.

:goodpost: Sideshow clearly not putting as much thought & effort into their PF's as they did just a few years ago while prices have gone up dramatically..In this case, Colossus' clothing is simply embarrassing
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

:goodpost: Sideshow clearly not putting as much thought & effort into their PF's as they did just a few years ago while prices have gone up dramatically..In this case, Colossus' clothing is simply embarrassing

Translating comic book to a PF is very difficult. I think SSC did a good job with this. Can't wait to get this today.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Translating comic book to a PF is very difficult. I think SSC did a good job with this. Can't wait to get this today.

:monkey1 How can you say SS did a good job on Colossus when all you've seen is this? And its already flawed..The fabric used is way too thick and inappropriate..Also, for a supposed Jim Lee style Colossus I can already say the chest isn't broad enough:monkey3

Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

:monkey1 How can you say SS did a good job on Colossus when all you've seen is this? And its already flawed..The fabric used is way too thick and inappropriate..Also, for a supposed Jim Lee style Colossus I can already say the chest isn't broad enough:monkey3


Try translating a drawing onto clothing materials used for the statues? It would be impossible unless it's fully sculpted but then it wouldn't be a PF then.