Premium Format Colossus PF

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my colossus pics from sdcc.




The thick cloth still looks very bad. The challenge will be for someone to get the top off and resculpt the chest area. Then it will truly be a grail piece.
Im sorry but that cloth still looks bad, it looks like a sweater his Russian granny knitted for him, its a shame that he missed the cut to be one of Sideshows new fully sculpted PF's, if only they thought of it sooner. :thwak
Im sorry but that cloth still looks bad, it looks like a sweater his Russian granny knitted for him, its a shame that he missed the cut to be one of Sideshows new fully sculpted PF's, if only they thought of it sooner. :thwak

Although I don't like the thick cloth either, this now has a nice potential to custom since you can remove the cloth.
i think i'm gonna cancel my waitlist , too much other expensive great stuff on order and i don't like the clothing
Sideshow needs to hurry up and ship his @ss out.

Get some Hot Toys!!!! :rock

Mamba you need to collect more items, Skaar just came out, I'm sure I'm not alone but I don't feel like $800+(plus everything else along with NRD's :thud:) bones coming out of my :moon at once.

Ski :rotfl
Man there is so much coming I doubt I will ever get a gambit. Paying triple retail is nuts. I can't wait for My Colossus.

Between him, Skarr, and HT Nick its going to be an awesome July.

I have the same problem Fisher, the one I missed out on is the most expensive of the bunch.
