Premium Format Colossus PF

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Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I dunno. I can't figure a switch out that would fit this one

I'm thinking maybe with an open mouth but wouldn't it be cool (atleast in my own opinion) to have a portrait in mid-transformation. Like 1/3 of his face is metal, diagonally.

a different head wouldn't matter, he's looking down

That sounds Cool; xYx.

as far as another head possibility looking up and with a Cry of Rage maybe; Ink

If I was to venture a guess, maybe him bending Steal I-Beam of Crushing something that No Mortal can put a Dent in :lol
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Hard to tell, have to see more of the statue. Wouldn't mind a portrait with less squinty eyes.

The fact that he's looking down makes me think this statue will be pretty tall to display eye level with the other X-men.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Im really hoping the exclusive comes with a different facial expression, while that one isnt bad i would like another option.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Would switch out arms make sense with this piece to have two regular arms and regular head not metal looking but Idk the legs would still shoe metal so not sure it would look that great
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Aye, me too. Or one where he has a bare chest.

Bare chested "costume" like in the Australian X-Men?

But he'd be too scary...
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

I cant wait to see this, guessing it will be expensive. Perhaps i will finally have something worth buring my 6k points on.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Wow!!! I stayed away for the last couple of days to take a break and this is what I come back to. NOICE!!!!! I'm going to have to make some arrangements to pick one my wallet needs a rest. :monkey1
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Ooofa. Jim Lee's Colossus is one of my most favourite incarnations of the character! Sorry, kids! Daddy's gotta dip into the college fund to finance this one. Oh well. "The world needs ditch diggers too."
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Ooofa. Jim Lee's Colossus is one of my most favourite incarnations of the character! Sorry, kids! Daddy's gotta dip into the college fund to finance this one. Oh well. "The world needs ditch diggers too."

:lol:lol:lol so I guess your getting this? :hi5:
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

:lol:lol:lol so I guess your getting this? :hi5:
Colossus, you are correct, sir! I suspect you may have your sights on one as well. As a fan of this Man of Steel, I feel it is my obligation to give one of these a good home. I have statues, busts, even a cheeeezy bobblehead, but this PF is something else entirely. I can't wait to see the finished product! This could very well go toe to toe with my Colossus/Sentinel dio as my fave.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

Colossus, you are correct, sir! I suspect you may have your sights on one as well. As a fan of this Man of Steel, I feel it is my obligation to give one of these a good home. I have statues, busts, even a cheeeezy bobblehead, but this PF is something else entirely. I can't wait to see the finished product! This could very well go toe to toe with my Colossus/Sentinel dio as my fave.

:exactly: This has been a long time coming, I have know about it for around a year and like you a fan of the Man of Organic Metal, will have to make a call on it to see if it will live up to the Colossus/Sentinel Dio, do you have one? someone I know, has seen this in person and the word is a Must Have.
Re: Colossus PF Sneak Peek

:exactly: This has been a long time coming, I have know about it for around a year and like you a fan of the Man of Organic Metal, will have to make a call on it to see if it will live up to the Colossus/Sentinel Dio, do you have one? someone I know, has seen this in person and the word is a Must Have.

Not to get too far :offtopic: , but the light-up version of the dio has that extra dynamic of not only being illuminated, but also the sequencing of the lights. Some flicker; some fade and return. Some are static. Don't get me wrong. I think the figures in the dio are incredible in their own right. That pose w/ Colossus hoisting that decapitated Sentinel head is. simply. bad-ass. The illumination from the dio just adds that exclamation point on an already stunning piece of sculpture. Probably too late to say sorry about rambling about it, but that's just how much I like it. So, if you have the means, I highly recommend it.