Comic Con request list

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Lt. Vulture
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dave, if this isn't the right place feel free to move it.

Offering to pick up Comic Con exclusives for members of the board that can't get to the Con. Either post here or PM me, the list is open until 8pm Monday night because then I leave for the airport.
Could you possibly pick me up a set of the Hasbro exclusives, McQuarrie Yoda and Obi, R2-KT and the shadow scout and bike.

Also if you could happen to get a GG Glorifindel I would really like that too.
I have a few extra of the Hasbro Shadow Scout ordered if you are looking for them.
R2 Kt from the 501st I would love it if you could pick this up for me.
Pm me if you think you can and we will make arrangements. Thank you.
Ok, I've had alot of request for the GG busts so here is my question to you guys that want them: Are they limited to one per person? I may not be able to get many as I am running on about $400 spending money, they are $50 each and I've had lots of requests. I will do what I can but I'll have to do it on a first come, first serve after I grab my stuff. Hope you guys understand. The Hasbro stuff should be easier to grab as it isnt super limited and not $50 each :lol.
You can take me of the list for the Hasbro exclusives but if you get a Glorfindel bust I will gladly pay you for it. Yes it is limited to 500 of him.
jason you dont need ANY of the Hasbro stuff now? and what i meant was that is there a strict one statue per person limit or is it as many as you can buy?
Well I was able to get the scout trooper since he had it preordered and he said he would try and get the others. I would actually like two of the Yoda Obi 2 packs so if you could grab me another one of those that would be great now that I think about it for a while.

Yes all the GG busts are limited to one per person and they will probably sell out in 2 seconds everyday but it never hurts to ask does it but I dont really expect you to be able to grab them.
That's why im not taking any money or anything up front. If I have time Ill hit the lines and do what I can. The Hasbro stuff is a stop for me anyway, the GG I'm going to be doing my damndest.
How many PMs have you got about the GG stuff.

I got a fellow freak Zoomaround to preorder me a Cody but I still need the LOTR bust.
I believe there will be a limit of one per person. They will stamp your badge noting that you have gotten one of each for the day.
Well I hope I got my request in first last night but I really dont see you getting one unless you get their really early, but if you can I would appreciate it.
This is so nice of you, thank you for offering to help us.

I know theres prolly not much chance now as I guess you have had a lot of pm's but if you do manage to get an extra GG Glorfindel I would be most grateful.

Only if you have time and you can, I will pay you of course.

Thanks again & have a great time!