Comic-Con to debut the 'New Buffy'???

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Super Freak
Jun 21, 2008
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While the new, on-screen Green Lantern costume makes all of the buzz this weekend, debuting on the cover of 'Entertainment Weekly,' something else also caught my eye. The words, "The New Buffy," are listed under their "sneak peek" Comic-Con preview, also included in the issue, out next week.

Does anyone have any info on this??? This is certainly the first I've heard of it. Is it a new series, movie, comic book, or something more?

This is what I found regarding Buffy in the magazine.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 Motion Comic

While Joss Whedon's Dark Horse comic book series Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight is about to end - the five issue finale begins in September - a special animated series (i.e., motion comic) kicks off this week, giving life to the first 19 issues. (It's based on the comic book based on the live action TV show based on the 1992 movie. Got that?) Anyway, fans can now watch Buffy really tussle with the forces of evil. The first episode debuts on iTunes July 19, 2010.
This is just B.S. I love how the industry needs to mess things up.

If they could make money off of it, it's no surprise.
Do we know if Whedon was approached at all?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Fran Rubel Kuzui, director of the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie, is looking to put together a relaunch of the movie franchise that would be unrelated to the TV series. Whedon, who also wrote the script for the original movie, probably will not be involved in this reboot, although they have yet to rule him out entirely. The idea is to introduce a brand new cast of characters under the grounds that each generation has its own vampire slayer to protect it. In a way it’s unfortunate because Sarah Michelle Gellar’s career could probably use a franchise or two right about now.
They are going to ruin it. The Kuzuis are a waste and they don't deserve their name on Buffy. That's all they were to the show. I will not be seeing this. Sorry!

Now, if Joss was on it, I could get behind it.

the idea is to introduce a brand new cast of characters under the grounds that each generation has its own vampire slayer to protect it.

then it better not be called Buffy!
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I'm not super excited about the comic animation, even if they get the voices right, but I'll buy the DVD when it comes out.

And I'm not excited about the reboot movie at all, but considering that so many people said "Hell to the no" when first hearing about it, and that nothing's been said about it for a long time, I don't think it will be made.
This is not a reboot. You can't reboot something that was not a franchise to begin with. It's a remake of the original film. Like that film this too will have nothing to do with the TV series.

The only reason they can do this is they still own Joss' old script. They can not touch the TV series in anyway, shape or form.
This is not a reboot. You can't reboot something that was not a franchise to begin with. It's a remake of the original film. Like that film this too will have nothing to do with the TV series.

The only reason they can do this is they still own Joss' old script. They can not touch the TV series in anyway, shape or form.

Regardless of any of that it is still LAME and a WASTE of everyone's time.
Entertainment Weekly only mentions the motion comic - nothing about a movie.

Yeah, but you know us crazy fans. Always gotta take it a step further to show our feelings. :)

Motion comic is cool. I need to look that up. I don't actually know what it is.

Okay, watched astonishing x-men on youtube and well, I dunno, kind of iffy on it. But it's Buffy so I will watch.
Regardless of any of that it is still LAME and a WASTE of everyone's time.


You can thank Twilight for this. Studios are scrabbling to come up with teen vampire properties. If only these people knew how much Twilight "borrows" from Buffy they all might have been watching the show back in the day and made it as successful as it deserved to be.
Any remake will do nothing to effect the quality of the original. I say let them do it. It will only make the original shine even brighter by comparison.

You can thank Twilight for this. Studios are scrabbling to come up with teen vampire properties. If only these people knew how much Twilight "borrows" from Buffy they all might have been watching the show back in the day and made it as successful as it deserved to be.

From my memory, Buffy was a very successful show. Once it switched to UPN, the quality dropped, it became kind of a depressing show, and people stopped watching it.

The WB didn't want to renew it and felt that it had run its course. Hindsight being 20/20, they were right.