nah you guys are mixing things, this actually makes it much clearer.
Basically before only MIXED MEDIA 1/4 are called premium format, now EVERYTHING 1/4 are called premium format.
All those other confusing terms - comiquette, maquette, "polystone statue" etc..will continue to be used only for 1/5 and other scales i assume.
It doesnt mean ss isnt making 1/5 statues, with the exception of marvel/dc, i think they are actually moving towards 1/5 more.
All this means is regular 1/4 scale statues, polystone or mixed media, will now all be called premium formats.
premium formats = 1/4 period.
This makes things a lot simpler and less confusing. I support this change!
It still sounds like they are going to focus more on 1:4 scale as a priority from now on to me due to the demand for consistency of scale.
It's actually the "Be Awesome Or Suck" club. I'm awesome, thank you very much.
I would rather they eliminate 1/5 scale and label all fully sculpted pieces as Coms and mixed media pieces as PFs.
Now if they could dump the LotR line where they strategically only offered Gimli, Boromir and Arwen and focus back on completing those characters in 1:4 (preferably mixed media).
Its about time, i only wish they thought of this before they put my favorite character Colossus in a thick mego doll sweater.
At least now i dont have to worry about the Daredevil PF wearing Red Pajamas any more.
They should scrap the whole pj syndrome look altogether, & rather concentrate on more dynamic poses, & sophisticated light-up features & bases (a la Xmen vs Sent.#1, now that was a base with exquisite light-up features!!!).
From a sculpting perspective, you're damn right he does. From an X-Men display perspective, he name is Angel, not cherub and he would look like crap with the other 1/4th.
Hopefully, the 1/5th Modern X-Men line will go...
Format size has always been irrelevant to me, all that matters to me is if I like the statue of not.
I'm AWESOME no matter what size a statue is.
Simply not going to happen. Characters that can be done with mixed-media will still be done with true PF incorporated. Characters that don't work well with mixed media will be 1/4 fully sculpted statues under the PF label.
The news merely means that scales are more defined now, and that collectors will have no problem determining which statues match. About time if you ask me. No more scale debates for comiquette statues.