Okay, thanks for the feedback. I guess if I got caught up in the hype, I'd be a little bummed out too.
He is a minor character, but when Sideshow has made a minor character for Star Wars, it feels to me like it is actually strengthening the line and adding years of life to things. I know that Chewie, R2, Troopers, Vader, Fett, and all of the other "must haves" are in the works. To get a minor character like this shows a commitment to a depth that I never thought possible. My favorite part of Star Wars is catching glimpses of some the odd creatures and strange faces just at the side of the frame. When I was a kid, Kenner made a whole host of aliens, bad guys, and heroes for my Star Wars collection that captured the SW universe so well. Sideshow seems to be keeping up with that tradition, and making a nice mix of the oddball characters to go with some of the bigger releases. I guess I just see a minor figure, but certainly not a mediocre one.