Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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Takin is an imperial officer, and he's even more important than Praji. And he'll look cool next to the other SW figures too. Sideshow could have made him, and the three of us would have been be equally happy!
I once was confident that SSC would make a Tarkin, but I'm not any more.
See I wanted one in Black, so Praji works... and for the Gray Suit its got to be Tarkin. So once he's out I'll be satisfied.

And don't you think since they already have this clothing pattern worked out that Tarkin would be a shoe-in?
Takin is an imperial officer, and he's even more important than Praji. And he'll look cool next to the other SW figures too. Sideshow could have made him, and the three of us would have been be equally happy!
I once was confident that SSC would make a Tarkin, but I'm not any more.

When Tarkin is made, do you think he will come with any weapons, like a Stormtrooper blaster?
i think he would come with death star reports

I think he should come with a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally small piece of Death Star that he clung hopelessly to after the explosion and drifting off into the void---- Darth Vader's heart will go on...
I picture this MF in front of some Stormies and thats what sold it for me. Did he even have any part in SW besides just an imperial officer??? :monkey3
Specificly, He's a stormtrooper Officer. So he might have gone down to Tatioone in Armor.

IMHO They went With a Nobody like Pradj as a test. If they messed up a nobody it's a meh moment, then if they had made a tarkin and messed up on part of him. i'm sure that now, Like the jedi, since they have a pattern and molds for the code cylinders, belt, etc, we will see SEVERAL Imperial officers, Tarkin included.
IMHO They went With a Nobody like Pradj as a test. If they messed up a nobody it's a meh moment, then if they had made a tarkin and messed up on part of him. ...
I don't know. The way I see it, they messed up the Yavin Luke, the Bespin Luke, the Bespin Han... but that didn't stop them from making other versions of these characters. Perhaps because they are important characters? I'm 100% sure that SSC is capable of making a very fine Tarkin (even remember seeing nice proto pix somewhere around here), so there can only be one reason: money. Perhaps they are trying to finance the SIM replacement operation... :monkey3 Who knows. I just don't belive that Sideshow does everything they do because of their overwhelming love for the collector. I just think that sometimes, they milk their fans.
When did SS release proto pics of Tarkin? And how exactly did they mess up Bespin Luke? :dunno
Sorry, that was bad communication. There were no official SSC Tarkin proto pix, but I belive that one of their regular artists (the name escapes me) has made a Tarkin sculpt which is finger licking good. If SSC doesn't want to use that talent... i don't know.

Bespin Luke. Yes, Bespin Luke. There may be some "Bespin" in the figure, but, where's the Luke? I don't dig the likeness. That's my opinion of course.
Ah, ok, Meh, i definitely see the Luke in the Sculpt. the proboblem is not the sculpt, it's the factory paint. have you seen the DA repaint?
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Just remember all sculpts go through LFL so while SS may LOVE a sculpt and we may LOVE it doesn't mean some suit at LFL will love it and clear it. That's what happened with Andy's Bespin Luke. It's not a case of SS not wanting to use an artist. And Im sure they have a plan for Tarkin.
Just remember all sculpts go through LFL so while SS may LOVE a sculpt and we may LOVE it doesn't mean some suit at LFL will love it and clear it. That's what happened with Andy's Bespin Luke. It's not a case of SS not wanting to use an artist. And Im sure they have a plan for Tarkin.
Agreed. What kind of company would they be if they made a lot of nobodies, but no Tarkin? Peter Cushing for Christ's sake! But that is exactly the point. Why so many nobodies? Some say, it's their thinking out of the box! Others just call it milking. They say Star Wars fans will buy everything, don't they?

Thanks to the great worm for the find.
I think it's because they are giving you display options. Some people like the background stuff, some don't. Those that like it buy it, those that don't don't. Personally I'm glad they brought out Praji before a real name. Plus it fills a Vintage spot and I'm of the belief that in the OT range we will likely get a version of all the vintage figures done in 1/6, hence a black uniform.
Not pointing fingers at you Alice, but really its a damned if you do, damned if you don't proposition for Sideshow. Either they only release core characters and people complain because their are too many Luke's and not enough variety or they release the obscure character and people complain because there aren't enough main characters.

To me its been a pretty good balance, maybe 1 too many Lukes, but still a pretty solid line with enough core characters and backgrounders to keep me interested. I haven't bought all of them (passed on 2 Endors, Padme and Ventress) but the ones I have and are pre-ordered I'm happy with.

I don't know about milking the fans, I could see if they released him with a variant package in 3 years that would be a problem. But he's a cool looking imperial officer and a smaller release at only 3,000. I don't see how thats raking anyone over the coals.
I like the background characters a lot more than the repeat versions of existing characters, since I don't want duplicates in my collection.

Instead of four Lukes and two each of Han and Leia, I would like to see a Tarkin or a Lando or another prequel Jedi.