Public Enemies
Hey Drizzle,
I completely agree bro, but it sounds like you got off easy. I recently had a member ask to make a deal with me for a PF and for me to hold it for a week until he got paid. Once pay day came, he asked if I would accept a trade instead, to which I said no.
Then I never heard back from him again.
Later that week he bumps his wtb thread saying he is looking to buy one again. I decided to post that some notification would ha ve been nice that the deal was off, especially since I waited a week already.
Then they decide to start a hate thread against me saying that I stole their money....

The moral quality of some people is despicable, but I like to think that 90% of collectors don't treat sellers like this...although, reading your original post makes me really wonder about people....
I completely agree bro, but it sounds like you got off easy. I recently had a member ask to make a deal with me for a PF and for me to hold it for a week until he got paid. Once pay day came, he asked if I would accept a trade instead, to which I said no.
Then I never heard back from him again.
Later that week he bumps his wtb thread saying he is looking to buy one again. I decided to post that some notification would ha ve been nice that the deal was off, especially since I waited a week already.
Then they decide to start a hate thread against me saying that I stole their money....

The moral quality of some people is despicable, but I like to think that 90% of collectors don't treat sellers like this...although, reading your original post makes me really wonder about people....
It's been a weird last couple of weeks for me. I sell figures from time to time, the last 3 months or so I have been selling some of my Hot Toys figures to make room for my most recent and quickly growing interest, threeA's "Adventure Kartel" figure line. I'm not one of those folks that keeps everything he buys and has a giant museum of toys in his house, I tend to cycle through if my focus changes, because my job doesn't pay lots (but I'm happy to have it!), my apartment is not but so big, and frankly, I just have no interest in living in opulent splendor with tons and tons of stuff filling multiple rooms. That just seems greedy to me. I like reasonable, I don't like more than I can reasonably enjoy. Thankfully, 1:6 figures seem to be a hobby where if you tire of a figure, you can get close to as much (and sometimes a bit more) than you paid for things, so keeping a reasonable collection is easy. There are some figures I plan to never sell, but that list stays small. So, like I said, as figures come in, some figures that aren't holding my interest fully need to go out. I'm also diabetic, and my insurance doesn't kick in for a couple of months, so my medical costs are high right now. Cycling out some figures allows me to get new ones here and there, and still cover all the expensive nonsense related to "the diabeetus".
That's where my current dismay arises- I have had a selling thread going pretty strong since I dunno, about last October. I have sold a few figures a month, had no trouble whatsoever. I keep my prices reasonable, there is always someone that is interested, and transactions with fellow Freaks has been smooth and pleasant for all involved.
However, the last couple of weeks, I have seen a change. I have had a good FIVE people that contacted me, told me they wanted a figure, we discussed terms, we were practically there... and then nothing. At the point where I expect to see a paypal or google payment email in the next day or so... nothing. After a couple days, I PM the board member to check in, some answer, some just ignore me. Two finally answer after a couple of days with excuses, and it's obvious they had no intention of answering back at all except I pushed a little. Each one showed up as having been online multiple times since we made the deal, (so I know they just didn't bother to answer me) two had even made posts on another sale thread saying "PM sent" for sale items after dealing with me...guess they found something they wanted more... which leads me to the point of this post (and I apologize for the length of this post!)..
Can we please be courteous to each other?
You know, wouldn't bother me half as much if the person PM'ed me and said "I can't get it after all, please offer it to someone else" or something of the sort. Instead, I'm left thinking we had a deal, awaiting payment, thinking my finances have improved, when the fellow board member has in actuality just moved on, hoping I won't notice or something... WELL I NOTICED.
I guess it just floors me, because I would never leave another person on here just "high and dry", never getting a reply back from me after having said I wanted to buy their item, and in some cases, even having already asked for the seller's paypal address. When I contact a seller and say, "I want it!" and they say "It's yours, pay me!" I *always* pay. Disappearing at that point is BAD FORM, and it's not better than just shying away, and ignoring. Please, if you deal on the boards, whether you are buying or selling, have the decency to communicate properly and politely with your fellow board member, and take the time to write and politely back out of a deal if you need to instead of ignoring and leaving your fellow Freak just hanging, expecting the completion of a sale or trade. That sale or item may have been very important to the other person, and at least if you talk to them, they know to move on.
Thank you for reading!