Conan O'Brien in SF!!!!

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Super Freak
Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, guys -

I just got an email confirmation on Friday:

CONGRATULATIONS! In response to your request for tickets, we are pleased to inform you that we are reserving 2 tickets for you for Late Night with Conan O’Brien in San Francisco! YOU MUST PRESENT THIS LETTER TO CLAIM YOUR TICKETS. There will be no exceptions.

The show you are scheduled to see will tape on THURSDAY, MAY 3 2007 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in San Francisco’s Orpheum Theater. This letter may not be used for alternate dates.


Any of you guys in the Bay Area also going on that day?

Tin :)
tinister said:
Hey, guys -

I just got an email confirmation on Friday:

CONGRATULATIONS! In response to your request for tickets, we are pleased to inform you that we are reserving 2 tickets for you for Late Night with Conan O’Brien in San Francisco! YOU MUST PRESENT THIS LETTER TO CLAIM YOUR TICKETS. There will be no exceptions.

The show you are scheduled to see will tape on THURSDAY, MAY 3 2007 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in San Francisco’s Orpheum Theater. This letter may not be used for alternate dates.


Any of you guys in the Bay Area also going on that day?

Tin :)

I dare you to yell out.......


You probably won't make the exit! :lol :lol :lol
Very jealous Tin--- have fun!! (Hope it's a couple of awesome guests--- and hot'd be even better--- Jessica Biel? Alba?....):D
mmm Jessica Biel as a guest. Wearing very little, as less is sometimes more, when you're a beauty like Jessica.

Of course if you're name is Rosie O'Donnell a ski mask and several layers of clothing wouldn't be enough.

Anyway, I am glad you got tickets tinister. He's the only late show guy I watch, which isn't often, but I sure like watching Conan more than Leno. Funny, as a kid I used to love watching Letterman. I suppose like most of television, I just grew out of his show. I am more of a recreational kind of guy. Rather go out and do something constructive or play around on the computer when I am home or at school.
Congrats. FYI, make sure you get there early, really early. Your ticket doesn't guarantee a sit at the audience section. Good luck.
Thanks, guys!

I'm a big hulking bald Asian guy (no kidding). I'll try to get the camera guy's attention and hold up a small note for my fellow freaks :)
TOE said:
Congrats. FYI, make sure you get there early, really early. Your ticket doesn't guarantee a sit at the audience section. Good luck.

For sure. I'm taking the day off from work and getting there good and early. hehe
DarthNeil said:
Very jealous Tin--- have fun!! (Hope it's a couple of awesome guests--- and hot'd be even better--- Jessica Biel? Alba?....):D

Oooh. I had a HUGE crush on Jessica Biel when I was a kid (Flashdance!).

And Jessica Alba was out and about in SF last night for some NBA star's Birthday party. She's HOT!! (understatement).
Anakin said:
,..nice,..give a slap on that big and ugly head of his for me,... :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

,..jessica biel= :love:drool :drool :drool :drool

,,,grats,..should be fun,...

I heard Conan's HUGE - like Chewbacca huge. And his noggin is gigantic. LOL
carbo-fation said:
Congrats dude! Let's us know how you look like so we can look out for you during the show! Just wear a big sideshow freaks shirt or something!:D

Are Freaks t-shirsts still available? If so - I'll buy one to wear and make an ass of myself so that I'll get on camera!