Got some stills... Expect a 1/6 Dooku and Stormie soon. Thanks for vid Creighton!
I see a Phase II Rex helmet next to the Arc helmet
Pretty interesting "slashed" clone helmet. I guess another DX isn't far away... unless that's a premium scale.
That's great, this will be my chance to own some stormtroopers. But I don't see Dooku in that second picture..
That stormie helmet sure looks a lot like the SS PF with those crappy looking ears and the three teeth. Is it certain that's a 1/6 sculpt?
Mesa draws pictura for yousa okie day?![]()
It may be...![]()
Maybe clutching at straws with this, a video was posted in the Batman PF thread of an interview with several toy sculptors there is allot of NECA stuff and some Sideshow stuff too on show including some new battledroids and what looks like a 1/6th scale Arc trooper helmet possibly for a second version of Echo and Fives.
The video is quite interesting, well worth a watch
The Secret Story of Toys
An X-Wing will never happen... Dorgmal Snow started one that 1/6 scale and it was as tall as him and I think wings would have been even more massive so it ended up being just the fusalage (which was still badass).
Speeder's however are possible... Landspeeder is supposedly happening, a Speederbike seems all but confirmed by Sideshow and even a Snowspeeder is compact enough that it's a possiblility; but I wouldn't hold my breath.