CONTEST: Call the next SW/LOTR PF

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Darth Sidious - RotS. I like the robes he wears when fighting Yoda but I dout they will bring out that version, so Sidious in his Dark Lord robes. :emperor
Star Wars PF: Emperor Palpatine on Throne
Lord of the Rings PF: Gandalf the Grey
Star Wars: Emperor Palpatine
Lord of the Rings: Gandalf the Grey

I want Gimli soon too... Sideshow must make an announcemt of a new LOTR PF... 2 per year are just too few... 3 to 4 would be best... and by the way saturday is Star Wars day... I do hope in a PF announcement... I guess they will announce a new Star Wars PF... Too much time has passed since the Boba preorder so we might get a new pf announcement that day... fingers crossed ;) :emperor or :chew