Just double checking I received a DHL message saying "A payment for importation charges is due for..." - i ve paid but it seems a lot less than i was expecting? Please tell me this is the import tax or is 'importation charges' something additional?
Just double checking I received a DHL message saying "A payment for importation charges is due for..." - i ve paid but it seems a lot less than i was expecting? Please tell me this is the import tax or is 'importation charges' something additional?
Ouch! Mine is due to charge in 5 days. But I think I'm going to have to cancel it for now. I really don't want to as I maintain that this is arguably the best Alien statue ever produced. But I also really want their new Jungle Hunter DX & frankly can't afford both currently. I will try to re-order this down the line. This hobby is just too expensive to keep up with now.
I feel your pain. I was all set to get the Mamegyorai Big Chap but I felt there was more bang for the buck in the dog.
Unless you're made of money, I think that's a wise decision Matt.
I've always admired this sculpt - but the size and likely shipping + tax + duty charges stopped me from ordering.
Just too much real-estate and even though I've bought NOTHING (as regards mass-produced pre-paints) since the Sideshow Wolf 1:2 LSB fiasco, I knew the PRIME1 & Infinity Studios Jungle Hunter and City Hunter sculpts would be released eventually.
I'm still hoping PRIME1 release the A3 heads separately.
(* EDIT *) Hope you don't lose your NRD if you cancel
It isn't a decision I took lightly as this thing is beautiful! And I will try to get it later (There's a chance with it's relatively large ES that I may even get a better deal although I'm not counting on that) But there's a few reasons why I'm thinking of reclaiming the $1400 or so I've already paid towards this. I still have no idea where I'm going to put this. And prime 1's Jungle & City hunters have become my new priorities for now. With their 1/4 big chap just around the corner. This would be a luxury that wouldn't fit in and it will fund a statue that I wouldn't have been able to get otherwise (That amazing Jungle hunter) I will get the NRD back as it was delayed by around 27 years...![]()
Still no email.. I wonder if I should change my order to single payment, that seems to kick it up the chain it seems?
Still no email.. I wonder if I should change my order to single payment, that seems to kick it up the chain it seems?
Agh serious? Hopefully you will be able to get compensation. Any pics/video?
i got my notification it is estimated to arrive tomorrow, which surprises me as i live in London UK!
Mine was estimated for tomorrow but turned up today.
Hand peg wont go in anymore as the finger tips are already touching base, so maybe it's supposed to be that way? But the foot peg won't go in all the way as the weight of the statue brings it back out.
Trying to upload a pic but it keeps failing, that and it's a mission even posting a comment with this site constantly logging me back out, not loading etc.
mine was estimated for today, but it is held by customs. hopefully they are fast
are you uk based? how much was you customs fee? im worried i ll have an additional charge on top of the 89 pounds i ve already paid
are you uk based? how much was you customs fee? im worried i ll have an additional charge on top of the 89 pounds i ve already paid
DHL charged me ?85 for the VAT etc, which surprised me as I thought I would have to pay nearly ?300 as that's the 20% of the total statue price? Or am I still in for a nasty bill from someone?