From Russia with love!
Just got these goodies in the mail!
For those of you who were not following these threads earlier this year, I took on 2 Miami Killer projects, I sculpted and produced both the slide box and Trinity Urn. I offered these items as either unpainted versions, or painted. I teamed up with Max Miniatures overseas who continues to take these projects of mine and blows me out of the water with their painting skills.
The slide boxes I have seen earlier runs, and still very amazed with the paint, but this is the first time seeing the finished urns. Only 3 of us opted in to have them painted, and I'm telling you, you guys really, really missed out on a masterpiece. The painted urns in hand are simply fantastic, each flower has the proper gold trim around them, the flowers and pattern are an amazing match to the source material...I could go on and on, but I cannot wait to get this properly displayed with my Dex. I will get the urns packed up and shipped this week guys, stay tuned here for that info.