I love this line and have been dying to get into a deeper conversation about the pieces....been scouring online for an active hub where people are talking about these amazing pieces..
so let me try this here.
We have the thread on "which pieces are you going to get...or want to get" it's been really fun seeing everyone's different choices...and even for me I've had some on the must have list...and then over time because of space and funds...I have to redirect my goals with these.
I thought too I'd throw this out...and it's a weird observation and I don't feel I am being overly picky but some of the pieces seem to always have one thing that bothers me and is kind of a deal breaker...or almost tips it that way....do you ever feel like that? One quick example would be this guy
the damage on his forehead looks like he's got a leaf or lily-pad stuck to his head.
I would think sometimes sideshow would catch this stuff. a few of the statues have these things...and look I understand taste is 100% subjective and obviously even online the moment you go "I don't like this" there's always people that will argue a counter point to it....but I do find with a few of these...there's artistic choices that make a 95% kick ass statue not of interest to me.
but do you all ever feel there's that "one thing" on these that makes them less to you.....or you less likely to get them?
also I noticed that the busts have maybe fallen out of the line? I just don't see much info on them.....the one Scottish looking guy is really amazing/
will these go onsale at some point...or do some pieces "vanish" never to be made.
I am newer to this hobby so I really respect you collectors who've been around the block with this stuff and value your feedback/
I guess I'll throw this out as a last question.
do you feel the line will continue to grow....and will sideshow support it? It seems like they are pretty well right now.
thanks for your time...looking forward to getting some court of the dead discussion going on!