actually the wings are the best thing on her.that design is pretty bad.
She looks pure AH! Really awesome.
My only complaint are the wings, which look a little undetailed...hope they tweak them
Another Wonder Woman? There are three in this line now? According to ActionFigurePics this is joining the Cover Girls line up....
and in case it goes all Red "X" on me:
I'm assuming its the same line since its "Cover Girls" and there isn't multiple lines with that tag right?
Not part of AH! cover girl. This is the cover to Wonder Woman #600
Thank God. Two is bad enough but three would really suck considering there are so many more females left to do.
ugh, and looks like no one's carrying Hawkgirl yet. Simply AH!-some!
Release date of Ivy delayed again!!!Will be released December 1. From the DCD website.
I've got my fingers crossed that Alan doesn't get moved yet again. Fantastic sig IC.