Super Freak
Re: CREG Customs Presents: Sculping & Upcoming Projects - Bale UPDATE 11/26
Always good to see some constructive feedback
You have a VERY good eye Dean, these sculpts are really coming along, a few pointers that will help make these sculpts and future ones really pop:
- Your surface portrait is really good, I think you need to work on your anatomy: show where the bones and muscles lay a little more
- when sculpting hair, beard or eyebrows try using a combo of tools, I find the rake tool a little too uniform and prefer to use clay build with damage - it can give great variation of the depth of cuts made which is something the rake tool lacks
- for skin textures, add a couple of layers and try adding both positive and negative values, spacing the bumps using spray and an an uneven alpha
once again, fantastic progress and work so far mate, hope you take this advice with a pinch of salt as you are already doing a great job
Always good to see some constructive feedback