I'd reccomend you pick up the book " Breaking the Vicious cycle ". It explains how a specific carbohydrate diet can help massively with the symptoms of digestive diseases such as crohn's and colitis. The full diet is a little much for most people to get accustomed to but following the basic principles should help massively. I don't have crohn's myself but a digestive illness that's still not fully diagnosed and is undergoing investigations. Diet has been the thing which has helped me more than anything and as you mentioned trying to handle stress as best as possible.
The specific carbohydrate diet recommends cutting out almost all carbohydrates but this isn't something I personally agree with. Foods such as sweet potato , yams , butternut squash etc can do a lot for the body and I find I feel worse avoiding foods such as this.
The diets basic principle is that by removing specific carbohydrates you stop feeding a lot of overgrown bacteria which then leads to an improvement in symptoms. Not to mention the diet is very anti inflammatory. I personally wouldn't follow it completely but it's a very interesting read and well worth picking up if you have an illness such as crohns.
If you haven't already you should experiment with removing gluten , dairy and nuts one at a time and see how you feel in regards to symptoms. Everyone definitely is different but there is big key things that can worsen digestive problems. Removing gluten and lactose from my diet helped me more than anything else.
I don't miss anything either , you can find gluten free bread , lactose free butter , there are various types of milk ( almond , rice , soy , coconut ).
Good luck with it and my advise would be to not rely on medication unless you feel it's a must.