Actually I'm not.
I made my first foray into HT 1/6 collecting this week snagging OT Stormtroooper, Han, Chewbacca, and Obi-Wan from a comic shop near me. I placed pay as you go orders for Boba, Vader, Luke, Leia, and the Sandtrooper last night. My wallet is smoking.
Next is deciding if I only want to buy in for OT, or TFA as well. Would have been nice to use codes on the OT figures over the past few months, but I was too wish-washy on them. Instead of saving, I now forced myself to pay extra in the aftermarket for some of them. I want to avoid that from happening again, but I want to also try to save a few dollars going forward. I'm not versed on the finer details/tribal knowledge of the discount codes and how SS let's you apply them yet.
See my profile.

Part-time lurker here since Aug 2012, but only SS/HT purchaser since Feb 2016.
Need to learn quick though cause I don't want to miss TFA Kylo Ren and FO ST. Speaking of, I have another noob question with regards to if figures ever sell out entirely in the pre-order phase? Or you always assured that if you skip a PO, the item will come into regular stock upon release?