Anyone have a code you're willing to give away? I would appreciate it! PM me, thanks!
I'm curious about that, are the codes already linked to your account when you receive them or can they be shared for others to use like the old gift cards they used to give out!
I'm curious about that, are the codes already linked to your account when you receive them or can they be shared for others to use like the old gift cards they used to give out!
I just don't buy 1/6 as much. It's been 11 months since my last purchase and that was off of eBay. They just cost too much lately for me to constantly throw $250-300 for a figure that basically sits on my shelf. I collect comic books more as they store easily, can be read and displayed, and have more investment potential. The 1/6 fig market is saturated and I lose money on every sale I make on the figures I sell.
Were you around in the 90's?Other than the occasional book, I don't think comics today generally have any investment potential. There's some potential for short-term gain when comics are underprinted, but with all the reprints and collected editions, I'd be surprised if today's rarities (especially all the variant covers) hold any significant value 5 years from now.
And I'm by no means defending 1/6 scale collecting as an investment. It's subject to the same whims as comic collecting- it's great if you find a rare gem, but most of the time, you just have dreck. However, it's much cheaper to have a lot of comic book junk than figure junk.
$@#% 'em. If SSC doesn't want to make coupon codes available for everyone to use I just won't buy from them anymore. Period. In fact, I have NOTHING from them on PO anymore. Their loss.
Half the people in this thread:
Hey Alex, could you please find out for me why on so many items you'll offer free US shipping as an incentive. Surely it would be fair to offer reduced international shipping on the same promotions by the same amount? I know you can't do free international shipping but a discount where free US shipping is applicable would be nice for those of us outside the US. International shipping on statues has doubled in the last few months. After all on top of the high shipping costs we also have to pay taxes, currency conversion fees, fedex charges, etc.
Also although those $25 codes for international orders are nice i've never used one because it's on stuff i already bought months ago or don't want. Points or a code we could use on anything would be an amazing gesture.
What's worse, People complaining or the people complaining about the people complaining?
Agree 100 %. A discounted international shipping price on items with free US shipping would be nice.