So maybe I missed something or is this possibly a new route SS is going to get you to pre order?
I went to order Knightmare Batman and there is no longer a flex option.
I called SS and asked a customer rep and she said that since it is scheduled to arrive there is no longer a flex option and had to be paid in full.
So I went back and looked at a few other in-stock items to see if they could be flexed. I knew previously an item could be stretched out over 4-5 payments if you pre order and then only over 3 once it was in stock.
What I noticed was some 1/6 items are now down to only 2 flex pays which just seemed odd since I ordered 2 in stock figures last month and was able to stretch them out over 3 months.
Only speculation but could we be seeing the end of or a reduced flex option on future figures once it's ready to be shipped?