Super Freak
Re: Current discount codes at SSC: List of Spook codes in 1st post
Thanks Broseidon lord of the Brocean!
Thanks Broseidon lord of the Brocean!
7EWC83312 $2
Thanks guys!code: 7EWC83312
When is Spook over? Friday?
Because estimated $8 a day (2x $2 + 1x $4) in reward points codes x 5 days = $40 total reaped this year (if you don't miss any)
When is Spook over? Friday?
Because estimated $8 a day (2x $2 + 1x $4) in reward points codes x 5 days = $40 total reaped this year (if you don't miss any)
When is Spook over? Friday?
Because estimated $8 a day (2x $2 + 1x $4) in reward points codes x 5 days = $40 total reaped this year (if you don't miss any)
7EWC83312 $2
code: 7EWC83312
I think it goes through Monday. I read on the other forum that Alex was hinting at there should be as much given as last year or possibly even more when its done, but because Spook is longer this year they are going to do smaller and more code releases to spread it out.
Plus the early $10 making a round $50.
I agree, my point wasn't that people could make money, it was more of the fact that you wouldn't lose money! until around 2013-2014 virtually no 1/6 scale would go down in value, when they sold for $120-$180 and were more limited production runs.
So you could take chance and buy lots of figures knowing if you had to sell them you would get your money back (or even come out on top). Now that is not the case, in most circumstances you will lose money if you pay within 10% of MSRP, much bigger risk involved. More than ever its now a "buy only what you must have" hobby.
So $8 a day x 8 days = estimated $64 + plus the early $10 = about $74 at worst... that's not bad at all. Plus better if a couple $10s show up.
Hopefully that means if we miss the eventual overnight code we're only out $2 instead instead of $10.