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That's not true, "IT Crowd" and "Spy" were and are AMAZING!! "Red Dwarf" was so good they brought it back after what like 10 years.

IT Crowd, poor mans Big Bang Theory.
Original Red Dwarf was good.

Extras was the best original British comedy of recent years.

Anyway, back to codes Sideshow... :impatient:

'Insert waiting gif'
So waaaazzaaaaaappp? Sideshow? R we gettin any more or what? I need a discount fa Heartbreakerrrr!!
IT Crowd, poor mans Big Bang Theory.

Umm, what? The I.T. Crowd was great, Big Bang is and has always been totally unfunny, like every comedy on CBS other than How I Met Your Mother. The only problem with I.T. Crowd was that they only produced 4 series in 7 years and that they were each only 6 episodes instead of 12 or 13. But terrible production schedules and short series are an issue with most UK programing - this leads to inconsistency year-over-year which can really hurt a show.

The Office was good in the UK. Black Adder. Spaced. The League of Gentlemen. This past year, Family Tree, though it's co-produced UK/US.
Umm, what? The I.T. Crowd was great, Big Bang is and has always been totally unfunny, like every comedy on CBS other than How I Met Your Mother. The only problem with I.T. Crowd was that they only produced 4 series in 7 years and that they were each only 6 episodes instead of 12 or 13. But terrible production schedules and short series are an issue with most UK programing - this leads to inconsistency year-over-year which can really hurt a show.

The Office was good in the UK. Black Adder. Spaced. The League of Gentlemen. This past year, Family Tree, though it's co-produced UK/US.

I like some british comedy. Most tho I just don't get the slang and references. So its boring. Rather watch things I can relate to and understand. I tried watching the UK version of the office and didn't find it enjoyable over the US version.

Speaking of that I have met a ton of celebrities and always find the British ones to be off putting. Not exactly rude. More that I just don't get them how they come across. Im sure its a cultural thing. Ray Park being a big exception to this. He makes you feel like your the only person in the room.

We speak the same language but are still quite different.
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Interesting... It may possibly be because I work with them rather being just an avid fan, but celebrities that I've met working on the same project, like the TDKR cast, Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, have been really nice. Ray Park is amazing, we once competed to see how many consecutive butterfly kicks and twists we could do in a row nonstop. Andrew Garfield, Clive Owen, Gerald Butler, even Jonny Lee Miller were all pretty nice. Those are the recent well-known ones I've worked with. I am definitely looking forward to working with Henry Cavill, really just to see his large stature from all that training in person excites me. It's like really meeting the Man of Steel, as it was with Bale as Batman.
Interesting... It may possibly be because I work with them rather being just an avid fan, but celebrities that I've met working on the same project, like the TDKR cast, Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, have been really nice. Ray Park is amazing, we once competed to see how many consecutive butterfly kicks and twists we could do in a row nonstop. Andrew Garfield, Clive Owen, Gerald Butler, even Jonny Lee Miller were all pretty nice. Those are the recent well-known ones I've worked with. I am definitely looking forward to working with Henry Cavill, really just to see his large stature from all that training in person excites me. It's like really meeting the Man of Steel, as it was with Bale as Batman.

Yup I'm sure working with them makes quite a bit of difference rather then just meeting them in a fan type setting like I have :) Or like I said just Me not really "getting" them being Myself very American lol. My buddy and I both agree tho Ray is pretty awesome. He's very real. Hope to get a chance to talk to him again sometime.

I'm a huge movie guy. Especially 80's Flicks. So getting to meet actors really completes things for me. fun stuff
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Yeah it never hurts to try to approach them, sometimes they'll surprise you. I remember when I was younger, back in the 80s or early 90s I think, I saw Jean Claude Van Damme in an LA restaurant, when he was still a big name in Hollywood action films, and asked if I could get his autograph and photo with him and he politely obliged. He was at the bar with a beautiful woman too, probably on a date, yet he chatted with me for a good 5 minutes. I think he was the 1st celebrity I had ever met at the time, and it was as a fan. I still have that picture and autograph on a drink coaster framed somewhere, haha. I can definitely see how some might be a bit wary with the number of crazed fans out there, especially the young ones with so much energy who love those franchise pop-culture films. Some embrace it, some are afraid and I can understand that sometimes. Like, I wouldn't understand the Harry Potter or Hunger Games craze now, but maybe if I was younger, I could.
Yeah it never hurts to try to approach them, sometimes they'll surprise you. I remember when I was younger, back in the 80s or early 90s I think, I saw Jean Claude Van Damme in an LA restaurant, when he was still a big name in Hollywood action films, and asked if I could get his autograph and photo with him and he politely obliged. He was at the bar with a beautiful woman too, probably on a date, yet he chatted with me for a good 5 minutes. I think he was the 1st celebrity I had ever met at the time, and it was as a fan. I still have that picture and autograph on a drink coaster framed somewhere, haha.

Very cool :) He's a action legend. I'm in Michigan so random things like that don't really happen lol
You should be looking out for us then, come next year. I was told we would be filming there in several locations. We've already started training and getting into shape and preparation.
The Fox may be returning to the borrow for a long while. My bones can't take it anymore. My spirit says it's time.
You should be looking out for us then, come next year. I was told we would be filming there in several locations. We've already started training and getting into shape and preparation.

Sounds good man give me a heads up. :) I was afraid My Governer had screwed up any incentive to film here. Glad that isn't the case. My buddy acts and I'm sure would love to watch some filming as would I.
This thread won't die even if there is no new codes. Foxes will still skulk and reunited again. I for myself will keep on checking this thread because this is one of my favorites. Not just the codes. But the people who helped each other out.
Thanks guys for posting the codes in this thread. I never would have known about this promotion if it wasn't for the members who lived on Sideshow's Facebook and Twitter these past few weeks.
Twas the season of Sideshow Code has ended. :violin

Sideshow is a great company. Still private and putting their customers first. I think they are at the perfect size. I'm sure more promos will come in time. Crazy they are practically giving me Snake Plissken in promo points. They have def won me over. I will shop with them when possible even if its a bit more. I tend to be very loyal when treated right.
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