I won one time and take like 7 days after y pay the shipping.On a sidenote, if you win an item through one of their contests or SS live giveaways, how long does it usually take to receive the item?
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Thanks guys. Kept seeing people say it worked before code was even given...
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They were confirming that the reward code URL was correct - not the code
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Is one format better to view it on than others?
I know there have been lag issues but I was watching the Facebook feed and there's no way it was 3 minutes from the time they announced the code to when it expired.
I won one time and take like 7 days after y pay the shipping.
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I watch the streams on Youtube and haven't had any problems. Today's code seemed to go smoothly and was well coordinated at their end, unlike some previous times. Maybe they were a bit slower to post it on Facebook.