Current state of Comics

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Planetary is starting to come out a bit more regularly nowadays. With so mucn on his plate, I think Ellis is just trying to tell the rest of the story and move on. I do appreciate that every issue has been done by him and Cassaday.

I guess that's why it's the only other book I forgive such delays besides Savage Dragon. :cool:
Sort of Off Topic.........but Marvel has gone and done it again.

Has anyone else seen the spoiler for one of Apocalypse's new horseman who is actually on the roster of a current X-Men title and team?
Mithrandier said:
Sort of Off Topic.........but Marvel has gone and done it again.

Has anyone else seen the spoiler for one of Apocalypse's new horseman who is actually on the roster of a current X-Men title and team?

Saw that earlier today Mit, and sheese, JQ, dead is dead, rofl!
For a secnd there I thought it was Maggot. The pic is not even that clear.

They should let this character die. He served the Jim Lee era very well.
SolidLiquidFox said:
For a secnd there I thought it was Maggot. The pic is not even that clear.

They should let this character die. He served the Jim Lee era very well.

Anybody got a link? Or even a hint? I stopped reading the X-books altogether, but I am a bit curious...

Sunfire has definatley been outed as one of his horsemen. According to a drawing that is out there, he looks like the version out of the historic Age of Apocalypse.

The other one that may have been outed from the release of the cover for X-Men #185 looks to be............well you will just have to look at the cover for yourself. You can see it on Azog's website. He has a link there. I can give one clue but it would give it away to easy. Let's just say that since the early 90's, this person has grown to be one of the more popular X-Men. Even though I really feel they are not using them all that much right now in a good light. I like the character a little, but I just hope that when it is over and done with, this person does not return to normal status quoe like Angel and Wolverine both did. Wolverine I can definately see overcoming Apocalypse's grip, Angel I can see somewhat, but I really cannot see this person getting over it.

He is. He has always walked the line. I think that a mind wipe from Apoc should do the trick. He should not be able to recoup from this. My opinion.
Anyone else absolutely despising what they're doing in All-Star Superman?

Clark as a bumbling fool, Lois trying to prove he's Superman, he flies out to Alpha Centauri for flowers, etc.
And the art makes him look like a buffoon on steroids.

I just hope this isn't canon.
Do not realy follow DC any more DDave...........Is All-Star sort of starting all over again? Why does Lois not know who he is?
Darklord Dave said:
Clark as a bumbling fool, Lois trying to prove he's Superman, he flies out to Alpha Centauri for flowers...I just hope this isn't canon.
This was canon, and it sounds like a description of the characters as they were portrayed in the halcyon years of my youth!

For example:

Problem: The Man of Steel's costume gets dirty!
Solution: Superman flies to the sun and bathes in a super nova!

Problem: Lois suspects Clark is Superman!
Solution: Clark has his buddy, Bruce (Batman) Wayne, pose as Superman to bamboozle Lois!

Problem: Jimmy Olsen is transformed into a mind-reading Jovian*, and learns Superman's secret identity is Clark Kent!
Solution: Superman convinces Jimmy that Clark was just daydreaming, as all men aspire to be The Man of Steel!

I'll have to check this series out!

* A Jovian is a native of the Planet Jupiter! —*Ed.

It was announced today by D.C. Comics that each issue of the upcoming "52" series would sport a cover price of $2.50 an issue. Do any of you out there really think that story is going to be worth $130.00 to read from cover to cover?

I can't say that I am all that interested in the "lost year."
FF - you should check out All-Star Superman - it's extremely retro (except for the art). They even bring up a few of the examples you just mentioned in #2!
Darklord Dave said:
Anyone else absolutely despising what they're doing in All-Star Superman?

Clark as a bumbling fool, Lois trying to prove he's Superman, he flies out to Alpha Centauri for flowers, etc.
And the art makes him look like a buffoon on steroids.

I just hope this isn't canon.

After the disappointment that all star batman is, I have stayed away.
There seems to be extreme critical acclaim for AS Superman, or at least it hasn't received the hatred that AS Batman has. I just hate everything that undoes changes that made the characters more believeable and interesting.
Comics- My other addiction.

The current state of comics to me is this: There are a lot of really good titles out there.

I've been collecting comics for over 25 years. Over the years I've amassed about 10,000 comics. I've collected DC, Marvel and all sorts of independent titles. Now I mainly collect DC's Big Three: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman along with a few other DC titles. I'm also a big fan of Hellboy, BPRD and Love & Rockets.

There's something out there for everyone. Don't be swayed by other's negative opinions. It's always worth checking things out for yourself.