Sunfire has definatley been outed as one of his horsemen. According to a drawing that is out there, he looks like the version out of the historic Age of Apocalypse.
The other one that may have been outed from the release of the cover for X-Men #185 looks to be............well you will just have to look at the cover for yourself. You can see it on Azog's website. He has a link there. I can give one clue but it would give it away to easy. Let's just say that since the early 90's, this person has grown to be one of the more popular X-Men. Even though I really feel they are not using them all that much right now in a good light. I like the character a little, but I just hope that when it is over and done with, this person does not return to normal status quoe like Angel and Wolverine both did. Wolverine I can definately see overcoming Apocalypse's grip, Angel I can see somewhat, but I really cannot see this person getting over it.