Custom Dark Artist SSC Dagobah Luke

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Here on the Perimeter
Feb 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hollywood, CA
Just to show what DarkArtist just did for me....

And can do for you too If you want a Dagobah Luke.

I always thought the Besbin Luke was an exceptional Figure except for the eye paint apps. The factory messed up the whites and that made him look wonky to me... the hair was also too shiny and I might apply some clay or putty to it to remove the shine...

Some have their own Custom Dagobah Luke's with the Medi Yoda but although it's a superior figure, I chose this Hasbro because the eyes aren't as closed as the Medi's and it came with the backpack...

Simple formula here...

Besbin Luke + Hasbro Dagobah Luke BackPack and Yoda

+ DarkArtist Repaint: Luke's eyes, Luke sweat, weathered outfit. Yoda.

Didn't have time to shoot outside... so here are a few just to demonstrate that you can do this fairly easily...





One last note: In hand this looks like a mini PF, it is amazing and I applaud Josh for his painstaking efforts to repaint Yoda's skin tone as well.... Yoda was a much lighter green in ESB, almost a mint shade with some tones...
Looks very very good! Congrats on having such a kick ass piece from the great Josh.
Jsoh does great work. I think he will be getting my SS Indy to work his magic on.
Yoda looks creepy in some shots and smiling or smirking in others. :lol In hand he looks really good though...

Looks awesome!!! Just as good or better than the Premium Format!

I'm telling you Chase, on the shelf it's pretty sick, captures that iconic moment so well. The weathering of the outfit and everything put together and posed in the right light looks like he's running through the swamplands.

Josh also weathered the Besbin shirt so he can be posed as a Besbin Arrival Luke as well as early Vader battle Luke.
I love the sweat on the shirt, really sells it. Josh does a great job with sweat, he did it on my Rambo and it looks amazing!

Josh is the shat!!
Here is a shot Josh took of my completed Yoda, not so creepy. :lol So, You guys can only imagine how cool this looks on the shelf. It's nuts. :D

I don't love it.....the repaint and everything is great but something about the figure itself and the expression just doesn't translate into Dagobah Luke for me. I'm sure I'm in the minority but something about it just doesn't vibe for me....
very cool stuff! :rock I recently got a Luke body from Toy Anxiety to do just the same! The swet is fantastic! Love the eye for detail!:chew
I don't love it.....the repaint and everything is great but something about the figure itself and the expression just doesn't translate into Dagobah Luke for me. I'm sure I'm in the minority but something about it just doesn't vibe for me....

I don't know what you're talking about, seriously... :D

I guess the pics don't do it justice? If Maulfan took pics maybe you'd get a better representation of it. Pics rarely do a fig justice.
Damnit. I left this smiley in it but it obviously didn't catch..... ;)
Congrats, pjam, for owning this mini PF. DA did a tremendous job on both figures. And I agree, the pic DA took of Yoda doesn't make him look so creepy. This one is my favorite:

Dagobah Night Shots

Here are a couple taken during nightfall in natural Light, they are dark! But I hope you can see how wonderful a job Josh did to capture a more innocent looking Luke here... it really is a beautiful representation...


Looks great, DA really out-did himself on that. Looks really great, I think the night shots really capture the look.
Thanks guys, really...

I wish you could all come over and see it in hand. Pics don't do it justice.

It's all Josh here... he did it all. But the whole point of posting this thread is anyone who wants to do a decent Dagobah Luke representation CAN. And you'll be happy you did when you see it on your shelf. :D

Also, you guys may want to check out Customikey's Yoda repaint and added articulation on his thread. It is a work of Art. :D
It looks good except for the fact that the flesh color is off between the face, arms and hands. It looks like three different shades of flesh color not to mention the arms are shiny. You kind of need to have at least the arms painted to really pull off the look properly.