Custom Darth Vader - Feedback wanted

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Super Freak
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys

I bought a Kenner 97 Darth figure and tryed to customised him

I want peoples honest opinion on him and were i could improve

This is the original

This is the custom job


Well anything done to those hands is an improvement! :google What was that!!? :confused:
Nice job. I think the shouler armor is riding a bit too high and he looks as if his leather suit is a bit ill-fitting. Other than that, great job!
LOTRFan said:
Well anything done to those hands is an improvement! :google What was that!!? :confused:

Yeah no kidding!!! I used to own that figure. The hands are horrific.

As for the custom, the hands are a vast improvement, but I don't think it looks very good.

Now that's not a criticism of your work, onix. You did the best you could. The problem is with the source material you're working with. I don't think ANYTHING or ANYBODY could salvage that.

Kudos for the effort, and you should be proud of it. Hasbro bears the shame for this figure. :emperor
Mookeylama said:
is that the Electronic talking Vader?

No sir. This pre-dates the talking figure, which is comparatively awesome. Hell, the talker is a superb mass-market figure.

Good work giving him a cape chain!
there's not much you can do to that figure to make it a really good Vader.. .however, what you havae done has made it much better than how it was initially.

Well done!! .... and now you'll be customising everything you get ;)
Id keep this one as a learning experience, buy a 14" talky vader and start again.
onix36div said:
This is the original

you know what they say about big hands. and just look at the gripping action on that saber :lol ...anyway, about the custom, it looks way better than the original.
Thanks all for the feedback

Im not offended by any comments. I had never tried this before so was wanting to start with cheap materials and was pretty happy with what i got

My next will be Han Solo

I bought an old Hasbro again but this time bought a fully articulated body seperate and im hoping to work with that.

Thanks Again
Keep us posted on how your Han is doing. I, for one, am very interested in seeing your results!
Good site

Thanks do any of you customisers have sites out there or pics

I just love customs and love putting your own twist on things

My Han custom will commence tomorrow i think