Re: Custom "Dredd 3D" "Judge Dredd" Figure - Updated with some pre-order info
Hi guys -
This is a an update on the Dredd 3D project. I've also emailed this to everyone on the pre-order list. I apologize for the scarcity of updates, but as all of you know - I've been juggling a lot of heavy issues lately.
Here is some details on my progress so far:
1) I've got casts made of all of the various "hard" components of Dredd's suit made. There are 20 individual pieces. And all have been quality checked and a handful have been painted.
2) I've got all the leather patterns cut for Dredd's suit. And also a handful assembled.
3) The unhelmeted Urban head is about 90% done. I'm super picky when it comes to headsculpts and it's been really hard to concentrate with everything going on.
So I've given myself a little more time on it before it goes to cast.
4) Two items that presented some issues in production - I'll need more time to figure out the best way to mass produce: The Lawgiver Holster and Concussion Bomb Dispenser.
The worst case scenario I can just make them as sculpted pieces, but they wouldn't look as nicely scaled as the look now. Let me wrestle with it some more.
5) The Chinese company that I had ordered boxes from ended up completely flaking on me with the pricing they originally quoted for 50 boxes. So after some back and forth
I've finally gotten a refund and pursuing another option. Fortunately - Alicia and I actually found a better option about 4 weeks ago and are in the process of securing a quantity
for this project. This new box is slightly more expensive, but the good thing is that the distributor is in the US (the manufacturing is done in Taiwan). Unlike the previous provider
who both produces and distributes from China. So I'm anticipating a smoother transaction once we get the cost etc. worked out.
6) I've designed all the print inserts - including COA certificate. They're pretty ready to go once I'm ready to ship. I also designed separate but matching COA labels for the boxes so that
it will share the same serial number as the figure inside.
7) Foam inserts are all ready to go.
So as you can see - I'm making steady progress. If it weren't for the boxes, and the holster and bomb dispenser issue - I'd be shipping a few by now. But as Alicia and I are scheduled
to fly to Vietnam in two days - I'll have to get back to it when we get back at the beginning of September. We're actually meeting up with the box manufacture in Taiwan on the return leg of
our trip to work out some details so if all goes well - I might have a deal for the boxes by the time I return. These boxes are so nice - sturdy with wrap-around flaps with magnetic tabs.
And as an update on Alicia. She's been getting regular radiation treatment for the past 3 months or so. She's a tiny thing so they hit her system pretty rough, but we've been told that
chemo would be even worse. So other than a couple of scary fainting spells - she's doing a good as can be hoped. I'm hoping spending some time with her family in Vietnam will do her some
good. And to be honest - I need a break myself. The past few months have just been a mad dash to keep treatment appointments and trying to keep ahead of the medical bills.
She told me a couple weekends ago that she felt bad that I have been keeping you guys on hold for a while regarding this Dredd project. I told her that I've been blessed to have a group of
the most understanding and patient guys with this project. I basically adopted the policy I've had for my custom work - the flexible payment, etc. - just for these types of scenarios. But
none of it would work if I had a bunch of hard nosed guys who only care about getting their stuff. And you guys have all been super supportive about that. I really really appreciate it - from
both mine and Alicia's hearts.
Next update will come in roughly a month - and then things will shift gears and we'll see some sets ready to ship. I will have some access to email while away so please feel free to email me
if you have any questions or concerns. (
[email protected])
I'm not sure if I can even access the site from Vietnam yet. They block some sites - so emailing is a better bet.
Thanks guys for hanging in there with me.