dnt count your eggs b4 they hatch. this new figure looks dam good! will be tough 4 you guys to beat so dnt act like its not any good please!
Let me try to reply to this as best as I can without appearing too critical of other's work nor too boastful about my own.
First of all, no one said that that the figure is "not any good". It looks like a nice figure. But to my eye, and clearly to that of some others, the head sculpt lacks a certain "Jackness". I have seen this sort of thing countless times in my very long career in the toy business (20 years as of this April!!! Boy, do I feel old, 1989 was so long ago).
In fact, much of my work has been as a head sculptor ( as in manager, not just sculptor of heads

) I trained many, many other sculptors and was responsible for the final look of thousands of projects. I was hired again and again to correct other sculptors work that just wasn't quite right. I have been offered (and turned down) control of some of the most important properties in the toy world, Star Wars and Batman among them. My product has always been very successful, often outselling the competition by very nice margins. Again, I'm not trying to be boastful, just explaining where I come from. So, trust me, I look at the piece with a very experienced eye.
And when I look at that headsculpt, I think "nice start". However, I would like to think that I could take it farther, that I could impart a more accurate feeling to it, that I could make it "Jack".
Now, let me tell you this. I don't react particularly to cajoling and challenges. I'm not in this for some need to prove myself against the work of others. I got over that many years ago. I wish the best to the makers of that figure, in fact I hope they are successful. I always like to see people do well.
I'm in this to make the best sculpts I can of subjects I love in the way I want with the participation of the folks who actually give a damn about this stuff. I'm just not satisfied with much of what I see out there so I'm trying to provide a high quality alternative.
Jack is in my schedule. He's important to me. All my projects are important to me and I approach each as if it's the most important project I've ever worked on. My customers deserve nothing less. So, he will be done when he is ready to be done. Hopefully that won't be overly long, perhaps another 2 or 3 weeks if all goes well. And when he is done you can judge him.
Either you will like him or you will not, after all tastes differ and everyone has their own opinion. But, I would wager that to most impartial observers, he will be more recognizable as Jack Nicholson portraying Jack Torrance than that particular sculpt. You don't have to believe me now, you just have to be patient and wait for the final product. You can even participate if you want to! I always appreciate the help of many pairs of eyes when I post first WIP photos. It's one of the things that help take my sculpts to a new level. I react to the honest critique of my customers.
And to those who express confidence in my work, thank you, I'm very grateful for your support and I will do my best to live up to your expectations!
Now that's out of the way, let's get on with our project!