I have not tried working with the SS sculpt even though I think its a good sculpt its just too big for my taste.
It's easier to make a mold bigger than it is to make it smaller. You can just add some paint thinner into a bowl and let the mold soak a while to make it bigger. I'm not even sure how you'd make one smaller. I guess I'm just happy with the ht sculpt so I was never really worried about working with the SS.
You can actually retrofit a ht body with a SS sculpt. You just have to boil and pop the hard plastic piece out of the head and use a ht rubber neck connector. Even if you have to pad it a buy or shave it down it doesn't seem like it would be that hard to me. You may have to shorten the SS neck some so it doesn't look like a giraffe on the ht body but other than that it sounds pretty easy.
I currently have my Luke on a TT narrow type body and it looks pretty good.
I feel like someone needs to take advantage of this headsculpt and really bring out its full potential.